@maedchenfilm filming a #sunrise shot from the inside of a car with our #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal paired w/ the #Panasonic #GH5! #CametvOptimus #Cameoptimus #OptimusGimbal #optimussnap3 #3axisgimbal #panasonicgh5
@mrcheesycam's #Blackmagicdesign #UrsaMiniPro camera setup using our #Cametv #Compact #Vmount Battery for power on a recent shoot! #Ursa #Mini #4k #Blackmagic #CametvVmount #VmountBattery
@pauldefaire just received his 3pcs set of our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #Led #Fresnel lights! Thanks for the support! #CametvBoltzen #CameBoltzen #boltzensnap1 #LedFresnel #LedLights #FresnelLights #Boltzenlight
BTS pic of @teel.tl using one of our #Cametv #Vmount #Batteries to power up his camera setup on a recent #MusicVideo shoot! #CametvVmount #VmountBattery
@devinlieberman filming in the snow with our #Cametv #Steadicam paired w/ the #Sony #Fs7! Thank you for the support! #CametvSteadicam #Camesteadicam #Sonyfs7
@miceliproductions lighting up an #interview shoot using our #Cametv #LED #Light #Panel! Thanks for the support! #CametvLightPanel #LightPanel #CameLightPanel #LedLight
BTS pic of @jeff.estanislao filming a #wedding with the #Cametv #Single #Gimbal and #Sony #a7s! #Camesingle #cametvsingle #sonya7s #singlesnap1 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axisgimbal
@wolfangfilms on set reviewing the footage he shot with the #Cametv #Single #Gimbal and #Sony #a7sii! #Cametvsingle #singlegimbal #sonya7sii #a7s #singlesnap1 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axisgimbal #cametvgimbal
@streetpixde posted this pic of a recent #photoshoot in which they used our #Cametv #55w #Boltzen #LED #Fresnel #Lights for lighting! #CameBoltzen #BoltzenLights #boltzensnap1 #LedFresnel #FresnelLight #cametvboltzen