BluSky Films Reacts To The CAME-TV Prophet Gimbal Uploaded By MrCheesyCam


Youtube user, MyCheesyCam, uploaded this BTS video from a real estate shoot with BluSky Films. Our newly announced CAME-Prophet was used to film some of the shots and here's a video of BluSky Films using the Prophet for the first time!

The CAME-Prophet is the successor to our very successful CAME-Argo gimbal. Both the Prophet and Argo are designed to support small to medium sized DSLRs with a maximum payload of 6.6 lbs (3 kg). However, while the Argo contains a dedicated 2-handed setup, the Prophet comes with a single handed pistol grip handle (similar to the CAME-Optimus), but with the option to use them with a variety of compatible two-handed accessories


For more information on the new CAME-TV Prophet click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.


