All the products sold by CAME-TV are eligible for a (1) year warranty from the time of delivery or in-store purchase date. CAME-TV will repair or exchange(only the defective parts will be replaced)any product that fails to meet the specifications provided within the product's warranty period. Customers based in the United States have the option to potentially send their unit to CAME-TV's US-based support facility, but still must follow the guidelines below.
What is not covered by this warranty?
- Crash, scratch, tear, burn, or any damage caused by non-manufacturing defects;
- Product which did not operate in conformance with installation environmental, mechanical or electrical requirements;
- Any malfunction results from misuse, abuse, vandalism, neglect, improper modification, disassembling, storage, transportation, or handling;
- Lost or misplaced products/parts not caused by manufacturing defect
- The original identification markings on the product have been tampered, removed, or defaced;
- Damage caused by the operation of the unit with a low charged or defective battery;
- Damage caused by reliability or compatibility issues when using unauthorized third-party parts;
- Failure and damaged caused by force majeure.
- Failure or malfunction caused by firmware upgrade/downgrade and/or unauthorized changes to software settings.
- Damaged products that were either purchased used or secondhand and/or without original CAME-TV purchase documentation.
The warranty, what you need to know.
- Customers are responsible for shipping cost when sending their product(s) back; Technical Support will examine and identify the problem and responsibility; CAME-TV will cover all the test cost, material cost, labor cost, and delivery fee when sending the repaired product back to customers if it is a quality problem in itself. However, customers will be in charge of any customs duty fees that may be required on both incoming & outgoing shipping processes;
- If the product is deemed not to be covered by this warranty, we will contact customer to accept the repair cost, or on its option, have the product returned back to the customer;
- Accepted repair jobs may take anywhere between 3-8 weeks before product is returned to the customer. CAME-TV is not responsible for delays in the shipping process.
- Customers can contact us via email (from Americas: [email protected], from outside Americas: [email protected]) for more details of maintenance process.
Non-Warranty Repair Requests
If your product has either voided any of the warranty terms stated above, or exceeded the 1-year warranty period, then you can still send us a request to have your item diagnosed & repaired. In doing so, please know the following:
- Customers must email technical support and present complete details on the problem they are experiencing with their CAME-TV product.
- Based on the customer's report, CAME-TV will first determine whether or not repair is possible. And secondly, which support facility is capable of handling the repair (US or International). If it is determined that repair is possible, the customer will be presented with a preliminary quote citing the approximate cost for inspection, parts, and labor.
- If the customer wishes to move forward with repair, they must agree to pay all costs, including a mandatory & non-refundable inspection fee* (US based repairs only), incoming and outgoing shipping costs, cost of parts, and supplemental labor fees**.
- Upon agreement of repair, the inspection fee* must be paid to CAME-TV technical support prior to the product being sent out (US based repairs only). Once the repair is successfully completed, the customer must pay the remaining fees for parts, labor & return shipping before the repaired product is sent back to the customer.
- Repair can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks for non-warranty repairs, not including shipping time.
- CAME-TV reserves the right to decline repair services and return any non-repairable products that are no longer under warranty back to the customer.
- For older CAME-TV products, it may be possible that the product itself has been discontinued, and parts may be either limited or unavailable. If you plan to purchase an older CAME-TV product (secondhand/used), please double check with our support team to see if the part you need is available for purchase/replacement.
- Note to US-based customers regarding non-warranty repairs
- *Inspection fee for US-based customers with non-warranty repair requests is $30 USD (flat rate per product).
- **Rate for labor fee will be provided by technical support associate once repair request is received and details have been disclosed.