CAME-TV Single Gimbal Used In “Mannequin Challenge” Video By Alain Grandperrin/Laurent Briere


Youtube channel, Alain Grandperrin, posted this well shot Mannequin Challenge video that was filmed with the CAME-Single Gimbal paired with the Panasonic GH4! The video was shot and directed by Laurent Briere.

The CAME-Single is a 3 Axis 32 bit Basecam controlled gimbal that offers brushless motors with Encoders. Encoders are often used in Robotics for highly accurate monitoring of motor position.The Single has a quick release camera plate and has tool-less adjustments for easy and fast camera balancing. The size of the CAME-Single is perfect for mirrorless cameras such as the Panasonic GH4, Sony A7s | A7RII, and BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Cameras.

CAME-TV Single Gimbal

For more information on the CAME-Single gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.

CAME-TV Single Gimbal
