WARNING: Changing PID/Board settings could void your warranty, and changing them erroneously could cause malfunction to your gimbal. Follow and perform at your own risk. Do not share this article with other users.
Before making any changes, we strongly suggest that you save your current profiles as is.
Once saved, just as a guide, watch the video linked below to help you better understand PID tuning and its effects on the gimbal. It is important for us to stress that you DO NOT zero (0) out all of your settings and DO NOT start from scratch as you see in the video. Rather, start with the settings that you already have, and just pay attention to what the video has to say when respectively adjusting the "P," "I," and "D" settings.
Again, do not start from scratch and do not copy the values shown in the video as they do not pertain to your gimbal. Rather, simply absorb the principles explained when it comes to respectively tuning the PIDs, and the physical affects that it has on the gimbal's movements. Doing this is a much easier and direct way to get your gimbal working to your liking.
Once you find the perfect settings, apply the PID changes to all 3 profiles and then save them to your archives. With enough trial & error, you should get the gimbal perfectly customized for your camera setup and working to your liking.