@oldtripod posted this short clip of some footage he got with his new#cametv #single #gimbal! Shot on the #panasonic #lx100
INSTAGRAM: @daneeldeej went out and filmed a music show recently with his #cametv #single #gimbal!

Fell in love with the #camesingle last night filming @davidrodigan and @gentlemansdubclub at RamJam! Super smooth shots from such a tiny set up. #sentientvisuals #3axisgimbal #cametv
INSTAGRAM: If you want to get some helpful filmmaking tips from @tom_antos and check out some #cametv products, make sure you check out his filmmaking seminar!

Almost setup for the first filmmaking seminar. @cametv is here helping us and showing off their latest products
INSTAGRAM: @gekoz setting up his #wireless #bluetooth controller for his #cametv #single!
@gekoz setting up his #wireless #bluetooth controller for his #cametv #single!
"Never been so easy pair a device! #cametv #camesingle #gimbal #3axis #wireless #sony #a7s #filmschool #davedugdale #philipbloom "
INSTAGRAM: @newhorizoncolumbus shooting some b-roll with his #cametv #single #gimbal setup!

Getting some b-roll footage with the #sony #a6000 and #cametv #single
INSTAGRAM: @zulfazlimokhtar shared this pic of his #cametv #single #gimbal setup he used on a recent wedding shoot!

#cametv #single in action..wedding
INSTAGRAM: @happyshiver getting some scenic shots with the #cametv #single #gimbal!

"An idea that brings you to life means that the way you make that film will be unique" - #dorothyfadiman #femalepov #femalefilmmaker #cametvsingle #cametv #cinematography #womenoflight #behindthescenes #happyshiverproductions #girlgaze @cametv
INSTAGRAM: @hmedgroup getting some fluid shots with his slider + #cametv #single setup!

Didn't think of using the @cametv single this way before! Makes one hell of a #fluidhead on top of a slider.
On a side note: the #cametvsingle handled the weight of a #Panasonic #GH4, #metabonesspeedbooster and a #sigma 10-20mm f3.5 like an absolute champ! Didn't balance a 100% but did manage to get it pretty damn close. Really want to tinker with the PID settings and get some more power out of the motors.
#media #marketing #videoproduction #HMediaGroup #Melbourne #Australia
INSTAGRAM: @newhorizoncolumbus posted this pic of his brand new #cametv #single #gimbal!

New toy! #gimbal #came #single #cametv #stabelizer #dji phantm #gopro #video #sony #a6300
INSTAGRAM: @smithticuffs filming a fitness video with the #cametv #single #gimbal!

Helping the homie, @migrivokingdom grab some footage today. #cametv #cametvsingle #sonya7rii #zeiss #fitness
INSTAGRAM:@philplanta posted this pic of his #cametv #single #gimbal setup with his #sony #A7Rii!

#sony #a7rii on #cametvsingle #gimbal and mini #manfrotto #tripod.
#indiefilm #indiefilmmaking #cinematography #photography #cametv #mirrorless via Instagram http://ift.tt/1TVKvWl
INSTAGRAM: Instagram user, kbarly, posted this quick clip from a video he shot using the #cametv #single #gimbal!
Instagram user, kbarly, posted this quick clip from a video he shot using the #cametv #single #gimbal!
Newest @northcoastacademyHYPE video by me!
Full video on YouTube! #alloutphotography #northcoastacademy#wgitroy #WGI16 #wgi #mapex#wgipercussion #drumline#indoordrumline #winterdrumline #lotriot#mcgc #mcgcpercussion #NCA16#wgicymbals #marchingcymbals#ncahype #sonya7 #cametvsingle#cametv @cametv @lotriot@mapexmarching@sabiancymbals_official
INSTAGRAM: @kbarly recently received his brand new #cametv #single #gimbal in the mail!

I have my new gimbal my #cametvsingle came into mail today! Can not wait to start using it!
#cametv #gimbal #videographer #alloutphotography #sonya7 @cametv
INSTAGRAM:@mikedvisuals shooting a workout video with the #cametv #single #gimbal!

Filming session. #workout #editor #risingmasters #training #urban #icatching #instadaily #photogrid #promo #all_shots #shoot #shoot2kill #director #dedication #film #fitfam #filmmaker #gh4 #gym #gritty #gimbal #cametv #single #video #visuals #videoshoot #mikedvisuals #coliseumgym
INSTAGRAM: @bbaakk shared this photo of his current #cametv #single #gimbal setup!
