Cool #bts pic from a recent shoot in which @satostudios used one of our #Cametv #Cassiopeia #LED #RingLights as his main key light! #ringlight#ledlight #cametvringlight

@dan_lloyd91 getting some awesome camera angles using our #Cametv#Optimus #Gimbal! #bts #cameoptimus #optimussnap3 #3axisgimbal#olympus #camegimbalsnap5

@joeldelacroixvaubois recently shared this pic of his #Panasonic #GH5setup using our #Cametv GH5 Cage! #cametvcage #gh5cage #Panasonicgh5 #panasoniccage #gh5rig

@justevaporate posted this pic of his #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal setup paired with the #Sony #A7s! #optimusgimbal #cametvgimbal #camegimbal#sonya7s #3axisgimbal #optimussnap3 #camegimbalsnap5

Our #Cametv #Boltzen #LED #Fresnel Lights are a great solution for filming in small areas! BTS pic by @clearviewmedianyc #cametvboltzen#boltzenlight #ledlight #fresnellight

@panoramavideoproduktion’s lighting setup with our 3pcs #Cametv#Boltzen 60w #Bicolor #LED #Light! #fresnel #fresnellight #ledlight#boltzensnap1 #cametvboltzen #bicolorlight

Check out this #bts pic of @alexandrugeru filming with our #Cametv #Single#Gimbal and #Sonya6500! #cametvsingle #singlegimbal #sony #a6500 #3axis #camegimbalsnap5#singlesnap1 #cametvgimbal