Cool #BTS pic of @thefilmingunit filming a scene using the #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal and #Sonya6500! #Cameoptimus #optimusgimbal #sony #a6500 #cametvoptimus #3axisgimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #optimussnap3

@shirokumamedia posted this pic of him showing off his new #Cametv #Prophet #Gimbal setup! Thanks for the support! #PanasonicGh4 #Cametvprophet #prophetgimbal#camegimbalsnap5 #cameprophet #panasonic #gh4 #3axis

Sweet #BTS pic of lighting up a scene using one of our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #LED #Fresnel #Lights! #Boltzenlight #cametvboltzen #boltzensnap1 #ledlight #lighting #fresnellight

Cool #closeup pic of @zvuksvjetlosti’s #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal setup that he’s been #filming with! #Cametvoptimus #optimusgimbal #optimussnap3 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axisgimbal #sony

BTS pic of @kale_kasongo filming a #fashionshow using our #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal! #OptimusGimbal #3axisgimbal #Cameoptimus #bts #fashion #optimussnap3 #camegimbalsnap5

Youtube user, DysnomiaFilms, uploaded this detailed review on one of our CAME-TV Dolly and Track systems! He gives his overall impressions of the Dolly and also included some test footage. Check it out below. The dolly has a stainless steel frame and detachable push handle. There are four sets of wheels each and each set has ...continue reading

@vassdavillo posted this pic of him posing with his #Cametv #Prodigy #Gimbal setup paired with the #Blackmagicdesign #UrsaMini 4.6k! #Cametvprodigy #prodigygimbal #ursa #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis

Awesome #BTS pic of the #Cametv #Single #Gimbal being used on set of the #webseries! #Cametvsingle #singlegimbal #singlesnap1 #camesingle #3axisgimbal #camegimbalsnap5