Spotlight: CAME-TV 1200W 6000K HMI PAR Light Kit vision • May 23, 2016 RUGGED AND COMPACT BALLAST DESIGN OFFERS FLICKER FREE, LOW NOISE & HIGH OUTPUT YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN THESE LIGHTS 575W HMI PAR Light 1200W HMI Fresnel Light 575W HMI Fresnel Light Compatible with all 575-1200W Fresnel and PAR units.... 6000K, Flicker free, low noise & high output... The rugged and compact design offers easy handling in the field..... Related Posts:New CAME-TV TIOGA Series 660W High Output LED SpotlightCAME-TV TIOGA Series 220W High Output LED SpotlightCAME-TV TIOGA Series 310W High Output LED Spotlight!