Tag Archives: andromeda slim tube light
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INSTAGRAM: Awesome green screen lighting setup using our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube RGB lights to add some extra green!
: @bengregory_ring ••• Interesting green screen shoot today!Lighting the screen with a new RGB LED rig. Working with @fanaticfilms & @glynallen. #cametv #ledlight #andromeda #tubelight #rgb #led #greenscreen #lighting
Awesome green screen lighting setup using our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube RGB lights to add some extra green!
: @bengregory_ring
Interesting green screen shoot today!Lighting the screen with a new RGB LED rig. Working with @fanaticfilms & @glynallen.
INSTAGRAM: @heroshot.team posted this cool BTS pic of our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights being used on the short film @piemontemovie! #cametv #andromeda #tubelight #ledlight #shortfilm #filmmaking #lighting #rgb #ledtubelight
@heroshot.team posted this cool BTS pic of our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights being used on the short film @piemontemovie!
#cametv #andromeda #tubelight #ledlight #shortfilm #filmmaking #lighting #rgb #ledtubelight
CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights Used In “There Comes A Knocking” Short Film By Film Riot
Film Riot, recently uploaded a "Making Of" video of their latest short, "There Comes A Knocking" in which they used some of our CAME-TV Andromeda lights for some of the films sequences. Be sure to watch the detailed video below that goes through their process!
CAME-TV Andromeda:
Full "Making Of"
The Andromeda Lights are available in 1ft, 2ft, 3ft and 4ft in Daylight, Bi-Color, or RGBDT versions. The Andromeda powers off Sony batteries, D-Tap, or wall adapter and can be attached together using special mounting brackets.
For more information on our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
INSTAGRAM: Our CAME-TV Andromeda RGBDT Slim Tube Light being used on set while @elmaghia is pulling focus! Thanks for the share! . . . #cametv #andromeda #tubelight #slimlight #ledlight #led #boltzen #cameboltzen #lighting #cinematography #rgb #rgblights
Our CAME-TV Andromeda RGBDT Slim Tube Light being used on set while @elmaghia is pulling focus! Thanks for the share!
INSTAGRAM: @roseirando putting some of our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights to good use on set! . . . #cametv #slimlight #rgb #tubelight #boltzen #cametvlight #onset #rgblight #ledlight #lighting #cinematography #filming #filmmaking
@roseirando putting some of our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights to good use on set!
#cametv #slimlight #rgb #tubelight #boltzen #cametvlight #onset #rgblight#ledlight #lighting #cinematography #filming #filmmaking
CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube RGB LED Light Review By Film Riot
Youtube channel, Film Riot, recently uploaded this awesome review on our popular CAME-TV Andromeda RGBDT LED Slim Tube Lights!
The Andromeda RGBDT LED Tube Lights are available in 1ft, 2ft, 3ft and 4ft in Daylight, Bi-Color, or RGBDT versions. The Andromeda powers off Sony batteries, D-Tap, or wall adapter and can be attached together using special mounting brackets.
Features removable barn doors and 1/4” threads on the backside for easy mounting. Build-in wifi, support App control.
For more information on our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
New CAME-TV Andromeda LED Slim Tube Lights Test Video By MrCheesyCam
MrCheesycam, recently uploaded this quick video in which he tests our new CAME-TV Andromeda Slim LED Tube Lights to light up a product!
Our Boltzen Andromeda Slim LED Tube Lights are available in 1ft, 2ft, 3ft and 4ft in Daylight, Bi-Color, or RGBDT versions. The Andromeda powers off Sony batteries, D-Tap, or wall adapter and can be attached together using special mounting brackets. Features removable barn doors and 1/4” threads on the backside for easy mounting. Build-in wifi, support App control.
For more information on the CAME-TV Andromeda Slim LED Tube Lights click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.