Tag Archives: boltzen 55w led light

CAME-TV Boltzen LED Fresnel Light 55w
@videonagrania doing some product shoots with our CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light!

CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Light

@traviswhitelight using one of our Came-tv Boltzen 55w Fresnel LED Lights for a product shoot!
#cametv #boltzen #fresnel #fresnellight #led #ledlight #boltzensnap1#product #productphotography #lighting

CAME-TV Boltzen 55w Led Light

Our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #LED #Fresnel #Lights are a great portable lighting solution and can be powered with Sony NP style batteries! Pic by: liteswitchtv - thank you for the support! #ledfresnel #fresnellight #ledlight

Youtube user, Shutterstock Tutorials, uploaded this detailed video on how to set up lights for an interview shoot! One of the lights used is our CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light!

The Boltzen 55 Watt video light shares the exact same housing as our Boltzen 30w Fresnel with the exception of a built in cooling fan to dissipate the extra heat. Our fan is barely audible at a distance of 1 meter. The Boltzen 55w Video Light includes an adjustable Fresnel lens to help focus the light and provide a longer throw. When used without the lens, the light becomes a wider flood and the included barn doors help to control the spill.


For more information on the CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.



@movecam_panama lighting up an #interview setup using our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #Led #Fresnel #Light! #CametvBoltzen #CameBoltzen #Ledlight #boltzensnap1 #Boltzenlight #LedFresnel

@pauldefaire posted this pic of his personal lighting kit which includes 3 of our #Cametv 55w #Boltzen #Led #Lights! Awesome! #CametvBoltzen #Cameboltzen #Ledfresnel #fresnellights #LedLights #boltzensnap1

@daniel_norris_effects holding one of our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #Led #Fresnel #Lights! Thanks for the support! #BoltzenFresnelLED #Boltzenlight #Cameboltzen #CametvBoltzen #LedLights #boltzensnap1 #Fresnellight

27368445_1348765265255676_7236736167923796363_o@great.things.studios_ntchi #onset filming a corporate video using our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #Led #Fresnel #Lights for lighting an interview! #CametvBoltzen #BoltzenLights #LedFresnel #Ledlights #fresnellights #Cameboltzen

DU0WKSrW4AEjiOy @SHOTBYTYSE shared this pic of his new lighting setup using our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #Led #Fresnel #Lights! Thanks for the support! #Cametvboltzen #Ledlight #ledfresnel #boltzensnap1 #Cameboltzen #fresnellight

@cinemepic posted this pic of a #lighting setup he used on a recent shoot with our #Cametv #Boltzen #Led #Fresnel #Lights! #CametvBoltzen #Cameboltzen #BoltzenLights #Ledlight #fresnellight #LedFresnel #boltzensnap1

@movecam_panama lighting up a scene using our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #Led #Fresnel #Light! Thank you for the support! #CametvBoltzenLight #boltzensnap1 #LedFresnel #Fresnellight #Ledlight #Cameboltzen #boltzenlight

@astorproductions using our #Cametv #Boltzen 55w #Led #Fresnel #Light during a recent #VideoDiary shoot! #CametvBoltzen #CameBoltzen #LedFresnel #boltzensnap1 #LedLight #CametvLight



@droimedia posted this pic of his #lighting setup using our #Cametv#Boltzen #55w #Led #Fresnel lights! #CameBoltzen #CametvBoltzen#BoltzenLights #boltzensnap1 #LedLight #FresnelLight