@imagesdazur lighting up a #MusicVideo shoot using our #Cametv #1k#Fresnel #Light! Thanks for the support! #CametvFresnel #CameFresnel#FresnelLight
Author Archives: vision
INSTAGRAM: @satostudios out filming with the #RED #Raven camera paired with our #Cametv #Compact #VmountBattery for power! #RedRaven #Vmount #Battery #130w #reddigitalcinema #RedCamera
INSTAGRAM: Super cool BTS pic of @mara_the_seal_wife using our #Cametv #Single #Gimbal paired w/ the #BlackMagicDesign #BMPCC to shoot a teaser #trailer! #CameSingle #CametvSingle #SingleGimbal #singlesnap1 #3axisGimbal #PocketCinemaCamera #camegimbalsnap5
INSTAGRAM: @movecam_panama filming an interview using our #Cametv #Boltzen #55w #LED #Fresnel #Light for lighting! Thanks for the support! #CameBoltzen #boltzensnap1 #CamtvBoltzen #LedFresnel #FresnelLight #LedLight
INSTAGRAM: BTS pic of @joeldelacroixvaubois filming with the #Cametv #Prophet #Gimbal paired w/ our #OrbitTwo gimbal support! #PanasonicGH5 #Panasonic #GH5 #ProphetGimbal #CameProphet #CametvProphet #camegimbalsnap5 #3axisgimbal
CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light Review By Jason Vong
Youtube user, Jason Vong, uploaded this review on our CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light and talks about his experience using them for wedding shoots.
The Boltzen 55w Video Light includes an adjustable Fresnel lens to help focus the light and provide a longer throw. When used without the lens, the light becomes a wider flood and the included barn doors help to control the spill. This versatility allows you to go from a tight spot to a wide flood all in one continuous light.
For more information on the CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
CAME-TV – New Products- GH4 & GH5 Packs
INSTAGRAM: Cool scenic pic of @storyworks_nz filming with our #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal & #Sony #A7r2! #OptimusGimbal #optimussnap3 #CametvGimbal #camegimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #SonyA7r2 #3xisGimbal
INSTAGRAM: @full.frame.pictures filming a #promo video with our #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal paired with the #Sony #a7sii! Thanks for the support! #cametvoptimus #optimussnap3 #OptimusGimbal #SonyA7sii #A7s2 #camegimbalsnap5 #CametvGimbal #3AxisGimbal
CAME-TV Boltzen 55w Bi-Color LED Fresnel Light & Magnetic Snap Kit Overview Video By MrCheesyCam
MrCheesyCam, recently uploaded this overview video that goes over our new CAME-TV Boltzen 55w Bi-Color Light and the Boltzen Magnetic Snap Kit!
The Boltzen 55 Watt video light shares the exact same housing as our Boltzen 30w Fresnel with the exception of a built in cooling fan to dissipate the extra heat. Our fan is barely audible at a distance of 1 meter. The CAME-TV Boltzen 55w Fresnel Video Light can be powered from AC (with included power adapter), NP Series battery or V-Mount battery via the included V-Mount adapter cable providing convenient use on set and on location.
The Magnetic Snap Kit has magnetics built into the face of it so that you can easily snap on the modifiers: grid, filter holder or diffuser. The modifiers can be used individually or stacked with the magnetic snap system allowing for a lot of creativity.
For more information on the CAME-TV 55w Boltzen Bi-Color Light or the Magnetic Snap Kit click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.