Tag Archives: RED
New Product – RAPTOR Kits for RED V-RAPTOR
Our new CAME-TV RAPTOR Camera Cages are designed to fit the Red V-RAPTOR perfectly! The top and bottom plates are connected via the side plates, providing a fully functional cage on each side. The rosettes allow you to expand the cage by adding accessories like handles to help stability. There are three different versions of this cage, giving you the option of picking the one that fits your needs!
INSTAGRAM: Our CAME-TV ASTRAL Wireless Follow Focus being used with a RED Komodo by @oscarriveroplaza! #cametv #followfocus #wirelessfollowfocus #reddigitalcinema #redcamera #cametvastral #onset #filmmaking #focuspuller
INSTAGRAM: @hoffmann_film’s posted this awesome pic of his #Cametv #Steadicam #Stabilizer! Thanks for the support! #CametvSteadicam #CameSteadicam #R3d #Redcamera
INSTAGRAM: @cineterra.nl’s sweet setup he used on a recent shoot with our #Cametv #Prodigy #Gimbal and the #RED #Raven camera! #Redcamera #CametvProdigy #Cameprodigy #prodigygimbal #RedRaven #RedCinema #camegimbalsnap5 #3axisgimbal
INSTAGRAM: @directedxjazz setting up the focus before the shot using our #Cametv #Steadicam #Stabilizer paired w/ the #RedCamera! #procarbonsnap #Cametvsteadicam #Redcinema #Camesteadicam #SteadicamStabilizer
INSTAGRAM: @satostudios’ using the #RedRaven on a recent shoot paired with our #Cametv #Vmount #Battery for a power supply! #CametvVmount #Camevmount #VmountBattery #red #raven #redcamera
INSTAGRAM: @cineterra.nl posted this pic of his recent #Cametv #Prodigy #Gimbal setup paired w/ the #REDraven camera! #CameProdigy #cametvprodigy #prodigygimbal #red #raven #redcamera #camegimbalsnap5 #3axisgimbal
INSTAGRAM: @satostudios out filming with the #RED #Raven camera paired with our #Cametv #Compact #VmountBattery for power! #RedRaven #Vmount #Battery #130w #reddigitalcinema #RedCamera
INSTAGRAM: Super cool BTS pic of @jakelawvideo filming w/ our #Cametv #Steadicam paired with the #RED! #CametvSteadicam #CameSteadicam #SteadicamStabilizer #Stabilizer
INSTAGRAM: @jumpcutapparel posted this BTS pic of @alexinfocus on set filming w/ the #Cametv #Prodigy #Gimbal & #RED #EpicW! #CameProdigy #ProdigyGimbal #RedEpicW #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis
@jumpcutapparel posted this BTS pic of @alexinfocus on set filming w/ the #Cametv #Prodigy #Gimbal & #RED #EpicW! #CameProdigy#ProdigyGimbal #RedEpicW #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal#camegimbalsnap5 #3axis
INSTAGRAM: @homerdulu and his crew filming on set w/ our #Cametv #Prodigy #Gimbal paired w/ the #RED #EpicW! Thanks for sharing this awesome setup! #CameProdigy #CametvProdigy #ProdigyGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #RedEpic #RedEpicW #Epic #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal

@homerdulu on set filming w/ our #Cametv #Prodigy #Gimbal paired w/ the #RED #EpicW! Thanks for sharing this awesome setup! #CameProdigy #CametvProdigy #ProdigyGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #RedEpic #RedEpicW #Epic #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal - Team B-Cam/2nd Unit. Awesome day of shooting yesterday, made it through with (almost) no sleep, driving from LA to SF at 1am in the morning and heading pretty much straight to the set haha. Was a pleasure working with these fools. 📸:@rawmixrom #setlife #reddigitalcinema #redepicw #cametv #tilta #gimbal #cameraoperator - #regrann via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BVVErcel_De/
INSTAGRAM: @loveoman_19 on a shoot filming w/ our #Cametv #Steadicam paired w/ the #RED #Epic! #CameSteadicam #RedDragon #RedEpic #CametvSteadicam #SteadiCamVest #procarbonsnap

@loveoman_19 on a shoot filming w/ our #Cametv #Steadicam paired w/ the #RED #Epic! #CameSteadicam #RedDragon #RedEpic #CametvSteadicam #SteadiCamVest #procarbonsnap - #steadicam #redcamera #redepic #reddragon #oman #film #movies #soot #Regrann via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BRl67LkFcS-/
INSTAGRAM: Sweet BTS pic of @cinedpsu filming with our #cametv #accordion #camera #jib! #crane #CameraCrane #CameAccordion #CameJib #CameCrane #RedDragon

Sweet BTS pic of @cinedpsu filming with our #cametv #accordion #camera #jib! #crane #CameraCrane #CameAccordion #CameJib #CameCrane #RedDragon - A complicated 2 camera set up, with @cametv Accordion and @djiglobal #Ronin overhead as @kingwalt6 get some on set knowledge on @diminuendomovie! #freelancelife #cinematographer #camoping #reddigitalcinema #reddragon #djironin #indiefilm #scifi #Regrann via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BJeUdyvhCmZ/
INSTAGRAM: Another massive setup using our #cametv #steadicam! Photo by: @chris_of_saints #REDdragon #epicdragon #RED

Another massive setup using our #cametv #steadicam! Photo by: @chris_of_saints #REDdragon #epicdragon #RED via Instagram http://ift.tt/1TbOkp1