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Youtube reviewer, The Slanted Lens, uploaded this video that shows you how you can light your vlog videos using our CAME-TV Cassiopeia Ring Light!
While traditional Ring Lights are bulky and difficult to pack, our Boltzen Cassiopeia Slim Folding Ring Lights are lightweight, compact, and easy to set up and break down. They are great to take on-location, easy to carry and transport in the included carrying bag.
For more information on our CAME-TV Cassiopeia Ring Lights click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Youtube user, DysnomiaFilms, recently uploaded this quick video of him testing out our CAME-TV Floor Dolly!
Our CAME-TV Dolly has a stainless steel frame and detachable push handle. There are four sets of wheels each and each set has six wheels, with a total of 24 wheels. The track is very smooth without any noise as the joints are closely connected and each section snap locks into place.
The tubing is made from high strength and quality industrial stainless steel tube. You can install Straight and Curve tracks together to create many different tracking movements.
For more information on our CAME-TV Floor Dolly click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.