@creative_dose_tattoos posted this pic of his new #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal he just received! Thanks for the support! #Canon60D #Canon #60D #CametvArgo #CameArgo #3axisgimbal #argogimbal
INSTAGRAM: @tomdennisproductions out filming w/ the #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal paired with the #Panasonic #GH4! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #PanasonicGH4 #camegimbalsnap5 #CametvGimbal #3axisGimbal
INSTAGRAM: @fartoofast posted this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup paired w/ the #Nikon #D600! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #NikonD600 #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #camegimbalsnap5
@fartoofast posted this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup paired w/ the #Nikon #D600! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #NikonD600#ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #camegimbalsnap5
INSTAGRAM: Here’s a closer look at @tommyturos’ #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup with his #Panasonic #GH5! #CameGimbal #Cametvgimbal #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CametvArgo #PanasonicGH5 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis #3axisGimbal
Here's a closer look at @tommyturos' #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup with his #Panasonic #GH5! #CameGimbal #Cametvgimbal #CameArgo#ArgoGimbal #CametvArgo #PanasonicGH5 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis#3axisGimbal
INSTAGRAM: @tommyturos uploaded this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup he used at a recent #festival shoot paired w/ the #Panasonic #GH5! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #PanasonicGH5 #camegimbalsnap5
@tommyturos uploaded this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup he used at a recent #festival shoot paired w/ the #Panasonic #GH5! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal#PanasonicGH5 #camegimbalsnap5
INSTAGRAM: @fartoofast’s new #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup w/ his #Nikon #D600! Thanks for the support! #NikonD600 #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal #camegimbalsnap5

@fartoofast's new #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup w/ his #Nikon #D600! Thanks for the support! #NikonD600 #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 - New gear is always exciting! #filmmaking #cametv #filmlife - #regrann via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BVp8Stqlcvo/
INSTAGRAM: @kymadaphoto recently shared this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup paired w/ the #Sony #A7rii! #CametvArgo #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #SonyA7rii #A7r2 #camegimbalsnap5

via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BUaiF5tlZGe/
INSTAGRAM: BTS pic of @joris_rollersteady out filming w/ our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal paired w/ the #Sony #A7sii! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #SonyA7sii #A7s2 #camegimbalsnap5 #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal

BTS pic of @joris_rollersteady out filming w/ our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal paired w/ the #Sony #A7sii! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #SonyA7sii #A7s2 #camegimbalsnap5 #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal - NOTHING better than waking up in the morning and being happy to go to work !
5 years ago I sold my web company and decided to dive into this unknown world of cinematography 🌎. Back in France, 1 camera and a tripod.
Fast forward, I'm now working with big heads, creating really cool visual and getting offer to travel all around the world.
This adventure is just starting ! - #regrann via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BT2BtaqFE9L/
5 years ago I sold my web company and decided to dive into this unknown world of cinematography 🌎. Back in France, 1 camera and a tripod.
Fast forward, I'm now working with big heads, creating really cool visual and getting offer to travel all around the world.
This adventure is just starting ! - #regrann via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BT2BtaqFE9L/
INSTAGRAM: @flolinemedia customized our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal to work with a single #ArcaSwiss handle! Nice! #CametvArgo #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #SonyA7sii #A7sii #A7s2

@flolinemedia customized our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal to work with a single #ArcaSwiss handle! Nice! #CametvArgo #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #SonyA7sii #A7sii #A7s2 ・・・
Another fun day shooting with @pinemountainresort, enjoying hours of shooting with the #a7sII on the moded single grip #arcaswiss @cametv #CameTVargo, powerful motors. Feature request: I hope one day the plates on their gimbals would be natively arca swiss. via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BTmMoZHFGOx/
Another fun day shooting with @pinemountainresort, enjoying hours of shooting with the #a7sII on the moded single grip #arcaswiss @cametv #CameTVargo, powerful motors. Feature request: I hope one day the plates on their gimbals would be natively arca swiss. via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BTmMoZHFGOx/
INSTAGRAM: With a max payload of 6.6lbs our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal is perfect for medium-sized #DSLR cameras! Features a 32-bit Alexmos Board and is completely tool-less! More info on the ARGO at came-tv.com! #CameGimbal #CameArgo #CametvGimbal #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal #CametvArgo

With a max payload of 6.6lbs our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal is perfect for medium-sized #DSLR cameras! Features a 32-bit Alexmos Board and is completely tool-less! More info on the ARGO at came-tv.com! #CameGimbal #CameArgo #CametvGimbal #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal #CametvArgo via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BRG4RkWF-Mp/
INSTAGRAM: @momentum_productions #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup w/ his #Sony #A7s & #Zeiss #Lens! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #Camegimbalsnap5 #SonyA7s #3axis #3axisGimbal

via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BO0YmbIBMjq/
INSTAGRAM: @tommyturos new #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal all setup! Thanks for the support! #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis #CametvGimbal #cametvArgo

@tommyturos new #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal all setup! Thanks for the support! #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis #CametvGimbal #cametvArgo ・・・
My setup is almost ready:) #needscablemanagement #gimbal #cametv #argo #canon #tablet #lenovo #dslrcontroller #cinemagear #videography #gear #filmmaking #ready #2k17 via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BOiiGt3h4uV/
My setup is almost ready:) #needscablemanagement #gimbal #cametv #argo #canon #tablet #lenovo #dslrcontroller #cinemagear #videography #gear #filmmaking #ready #2k17 via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BOiiGt3h4uV/
INSTAGRAM: @tommyturos grabbing some shots of the #snow w/ his #Cametv #ARGO #Gimbal! #Canon #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CametvGimbal #CametvArgo #3axis #3axisGimbal

@tommyturos grabbing some shots of the #snow w/ his #Cametv #ARGO #Gimbal! #Canon #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CametvGimbal #CametvArgo #3axis #3axisGimbal ・・・
Looking for snow #untaggable #q2 #winter #xmas #gimbal #cametv #audi #autoworld #automotive #canon @eblogauto.ro @autoworld.audi @clau.morar @vhoratiu via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BN_HZlIBA7Q/
Looking for snow #untaggable #q2 #winter #xmas #gimbal #cametv #audi #autoworld #automotive #canon @eblogauto.ro @autoworld.audi @clau.morar @vhoratiu via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BN_HZlIBA7Q/
INSTAGRAM: Sweet BTS pic of @mkphotoandvideography filming a #wedding w/ the #Cametv #ARGO #Gimbal! #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CametvArgo #3axis #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #camegimbalsnap5

Sweet BTS pic of @mkphotoandvideography filming a #wedding w/ the #Cametv #ARGO #Gimbal! #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CametvArgo #3axis #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 ・・・
#cametvargo #cametv #nisantepsisi #nisanlik #dugunfotografcisi #weddingphotography #weddingvideography via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BN-fAzHhcPA/
#cametvargo #cametv #nisantepsisi #nisanlik #dugunfotografcisi #weddingphotography #weddingvideography via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BN-fAzHhcPA/
INSTAGRAM: #Cametv #Argo & #Mini3 displayed at this years #PhotoPlusExpo! #PhotoPlus2016 #Gimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #ArgoGimbal #Mini3Gimbal

Try out our #Cametv #Argo & #Mini3 at this years #PhotoPlusExpo going on right now! Booth#265 - #PhotoPlus2016 #Gimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #ArgoGimbal #Mini3Gimbal via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BL4fYylhV3R/