CAME-Boltzen 150w LED Fresnel Light
INSTAGRAM: @cpt_kurtn using our Boltzen 150w LED Fresnel Light as a key light for some interview shoots! Our 150w LED Fresnel lights are available in both Daylight and Bi-Color versions #cametv #ledlight #led #fresnel #fresnellight #cameboltzen #boltzensnap1 #lighting #filmmaking #interview
@cpt_kurtn using our Boltzen 150w LED Fresnel Light as a key light for some interview shoots! Our 150w LED Fresnel lights are available in both Daylight and Bi-Color versions
#cametv #ledlight #led #fresnel #fresnellight #cameboltzen #boltzensnap1 #lighting #filmmaking #interview
INSTAGRAM: @cpt_kurtn recently received his new CAME-TV Boltzen 150w Fresnel Light! Our Boltzen 150w Lights come in both daylight and bi-color! #cametv #boltzen #fresnellight #ledlight #daylight #bicolor #filmmaking #lighting #fresnel
@cpt_kurtn recently received his new CAME-TV Boltzen 150w Fresnel Light! Our Boltzen 150w Lights come in both daylight and bi-color!
#cametv #boltzen #fresnellight #ledlight #daylight #bicolor #filmmaking #lighting #fresnel
INSTAGRAM: @sporemedia using one of our CAME-TV Boltzen 150w LED Fresnel Lights to bounce some light off the ceiling during a recent interview shoot! #cametv #boltzen #ledlight #fresnel #fresnellight #daylight #interview
@sporemedia using one of our CAME-TV Boltzen 150w LED Fresnel Lights to bounce some light off the ceiling during a recent interview shoot!