@cpt_kurtn recently received his new CAME-TV Boltzen 150w Fresnel Light! Our Boltzen 150w Lights come in both daylight and bi-color!
#cametv #boltzen #fresnellight #ledlight #daylight #bicolor #filmmaking #lighting #fresnel
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@cpt_kurtn recently received his new CAME-TV Boltzen 150w Fresnel Light! Our Boltzen 150w Lights come in both daylight and bi-color!
#cametv #boltzen #fresnellight #ledlight #daylight #bicolor #filmmaking #lighting #fresnel
Youtube reviewer, AwesomeShot Studios, posted this thorough and detailed review on our latest CAME-TV Boltzen Q55w MKII Daylight Fresnel Light!
The new Boltzen Q-55 MKII Daylight LED Light has 40% more output than our previous 55 Watt light and now has 2 battery slots for Sony style NPF batteries! The Boltzen 55w High Output Fresnel Video Light can be powered via AC (with included power adapter), NP Series batteries or V-Mount batteries with the included V-Mount adapter cable - providing convenient use on set and on location.
For more information on our CAME-TV Boltzen Q-55 MKII LED Fresnel Light click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Philip Bloom, recently uploaded this detailed video on how to improve your lighting skills. He shows multiple examples and gives great feedback on how to light up a subject using different lighting methods. Philip Bloom also goes over our line of CAME-TV Boltzen Led Fresnel Lights! Check out the video below!
Our Boltzen Video Lights include an adjustable Fresnel lens to help focus the light and provide a longer throw. When used without the lens, the light becomes a wider flood and the included barn doors help to control the spill. This versatility allows you to go from a tight spot to a wide flood all in one continuous light.
For more information on our line of Boltzen Led Fresnel Lights click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
@anthonydigitalmedia posted this pic of a lighting setup from a recent #inteview shoot using our #Cametv #Boltzen #Led #Fresnel #Light! #boltzensnap1 #CameBoltzen #CametvBoltzen #BoltzenLights #LedLight#FresnelLight
Youtube user, MrCheesyCam, uploaded this quick video that goes over the Rosette Yoke Adapter for the 55w and 30w CAME-TV Boltzen LED Fresnel Light!
The Rosette Yoke Adapter comes included with the purchase of the Bowens Mount Ring Adapter.
For more information on the CAME-TV Boltzen Lights or the Bowens Mount Ring Adapter click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.