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Here's another interview posted by, Newsshooter.com, from the recent IBC 2017 show in Amsterdam. This video goes over our new CAME-TV Prophet Gimbal and some of the accessories that we designed for it.
The CAME-Prophet is the successor to our very successful CAME-Argo gimbal. Both the Prophet and Argo are designed to support small to medium sized DSLRs with a maximum payload of 6.6 lbs (3 kg). However, while the Argo contains a dedicated 2-handed setup, the Prophet comes with a single handed pistol grip handle (similar to the CAME-Optimus), but with the option to use them with a variety of compatible two-handed accessories - including the Orbit-Two Ring Mount, Dual Handles and Tessera.
For more information on the CAME-Prophet gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Youtube user, Luzice, took out our new CAME-TV Prophet Gimbal and grabbed some test shots with the Sony FS5!
While, the Argo contains a dedicated 2-handed setup, the Prophet comes with a single handed pistol grip handle (similar to the CAME-Optimus), but with the option to use them with a variety of compatible two-handed accessories - including the Orbit-Two Ring Mount, Dual Handles and Tessera. The updated frame design also allows for the Prophet Gimbal to be operated completely inverted or underslung.
For more information on the CAME-Prophet gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Youtube user, MrCheesyCam, uploaded this quick real estate walk through video that used our new CAME-TV Prophet gimbal paired with the Panasonic GH5!
The CAME-Prophet is the successor to our very successful CAME-Argo gimbal. Both the Prophet and Argo are designed to support small to medium sized DSLRs with a maximum payload of 6.6 lbs (3 kg). However, while the Argo contains a dedicated 2-handed setup, the Prophet comes with a single handed pistol grip handle (similar to the CAME-Optimus).
For more information on the CAME-Prophet gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.