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Youtube reviewer, INGAF, uploaded this detailed review video on our new CAME-TV Perseus P-1200 Travel Ready Lights!
Our P-1200 RGBDT 55W Travel Lights feature a unique yoke that allows them to fold flat, making the panels easy to stack and can fit in Pelican 1510 and 1535 hard cases.
Our RGBDT lights use new technology were we add Daylight and Tungsten LED's to the RGB LED. The RGB LED can display Red, Green, Blue and can adjust to any color. By adding both Daylight and Tungsten LED's, we are able to provide both 5600K (Daylight) and 3200K (Tungsten) while maintaining a high CRI.
For more information on the our Perseus P-1200 Travel Lights click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Youtube channel, Lensvid, uploaded this detailed review on three of our Boltzen Fresnel COB Lights: the 150w Bi-Color, 100w and Q55W MKII.
Our CAME-TV Boltzen 55w MKII High Output video light has 40% more output than our previous 55 Watt light and gives you the option to use 2 Sony style NPF batteries! The built in cooling fan is designed to dissipate heat and is barely audible at a distance of 1m. With the newly added "Frequency" setting, you can choose the frequency to select how fast/slow the strobing effect cycles, giving you some creative options on shoots.
The Boltzen 100w LED Fresnel Light includes an adjustable fresnel lens to help focus or flood the light and when used without the lens itself, the light gives you a wider flood. This versatility allows you to go from a tight spot to a wide flood all in one continuous light!
Unlike the 100w, the more robust version of our Boltzen COB Lights, the Boltzen 150w, has a built-in fan to make sure the light doesn't get too hot while in use.
Some Key features below:
For more information on the Boltzen 55w MKII, 100w & 150w click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.