@creative_dose_tattoos posted this pic of his new #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal he just received! Thanks for the support! #Canon60D #Canon #60D #CametvArgo #CameArgo #3axisgimbal #argogimbal
Tag Archives: came-tv argo
INSTAGRAM: @tomdennisproductions out filming w/ the #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal paired with the #Panasonic #GH4! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #PanasonicGH4 #camegimbalsnap5 #CametvGimbal #3axisGimbal
INSTAGRAM: @fartoofast posted this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup paired w/ the #Nikon #D600! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #NikonD600 #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #camegimbalsnap5
@fartoofast posted this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup paired w/ the #Nikon #D600! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #NikonD600#ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #camegimbalsnap5
INSTAGRAM: Here’s a closer look at @tommyturos’ #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup with his #Panasonic #GH5! #CameGimbal #Cametvgimbal #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CametvArgo #PanasonicGH5 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis #3axisGimbal
Here's a closer look at @tommyturos' #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup with his #Panasonic #GH5! #CameGimbal #Cametvgimbal #CameArgo#ArgoGimbal #CametvArgo #PanasonicGH5 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis#3axisGimbal
CAME-TV – 4th of July – Save 20% On Selected Gimbals
INSTAGRAM: @tommyturos uploaded this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup he used at a recent #festival shoot paired w/ the #Panasonic #GH5! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #PanasonicGH5 #camegimbalsnap5
@tommyturos uploaded this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup he used at a recent #festival shoot paired w/ the #Panasonic #GH5! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal#PanasonicGH5 #camegimbalsnap5
INSTAGRAM: @fartoofast’s new #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup w/ his #Nikon #D600! Thanks for the support! #NikonD600 #CameArgo #CametvArgo #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal #camegimbalsnap5

INSTAGRAM: @kymadaphoto recently shared this pic of his #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal setup paired w/ the #Sony #A7rii! #CametvArgo #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #SonyA7rii #A7r2 #camegimbalsnap5

INSTAGRAM: BTS pic of @joris_rollersteady out filming w/ our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal paired w/ the #Sony #A7sii! #CameArgo #CametvArgo #SonyA7sii #A7s2 #camegimbalsnap5 #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal

5 years ago I sold my web company and decided to dive into this unknown world of cinematography
Fast forward, I'm now working with big heads, creating really cool visual and getting offer to travel all around the world.
This adventure is just starting ! - #regrann via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BT2BtaqFE9L/
INSTAGRAM: @flolinemedia customized our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal to work with a single #ArcaSwiss handle! Nice! #CametvArgo #CameArgo #ArgoGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #SonyA7sii #A7sii #A7s2

Another fun day shooting with @pinemountainresort, enjoying hours of shooting with the #a7sII on the moded single grip #arcaswiss @cametv #CameTVargo, powerful motors. Feature request: I hope one day the plates on their gimbals would be natively arca swiss. via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BTmMoZHFGOx/
CAME-TV ARGO Gimbal Test Footage By gytn25
Youtube user, gytn25, uploaded this beautifully shot test video of him using the CAME-TV ARGO Gimbal! Watch it below!
The top section of the ARGO has two handles that are easily hand screwed for installation or removal. There is a monitor mount on the handle and a wireless remote, which allows you to remotely control the gimbal and switch between modes. The ARGO features a 32 bit Alexmos Board and is completely tool-less adjustable. All of the motors are equipped with encoders, making the performance much more smooth and accurate along with increasing the lifespan of the battery.
For more information on the CAME-ARGO click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
INSTAGRAM: With a max payload of 6.6lbs our #Cametv #Argo #Gimbal is perfect for medium-sized #DSLR cameras! Features a 32-bit Alexmos Board and is completely tool-less! More info on the ARGO at came-tv.com! #CameGimbal #CameArgo #CametvGimbal #ArgoGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal #CametvArgo

CAME-TV V-Mount Battery Adapter Plate For Prodigy & Argo! FREE* With Purchase From 2/20/17-3/1/17
CAME-TV ARGO Gimbal Review By Momentum Productions
Youtube user, Momentum Productions, uploaded this detailed review on our CAME-TV Argo Gimbal!
On the top section of the CAME-Argo there are two handles that can be easily hand screwed for installation or removal. The handle has a monitor mount and a wireless remote, which allows you to remotely control the gimbal and switch between modes. The entire top handle bar can be easily separated from the Argo which than can be mounted to other devices like a crane, slider or drone with the included adapter plate. If you haven't seen it already, check out the music video below that Momentum Productions shot entirely with the Argo Gimbal!
For more information on the CAME-ARGO click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
CAME-TV – Spotlight Videos
Came-Tv Single Gimbal Used In Neon Dream By Ben Blennerhassett
This gorgeous video that was filmed over the course of three weeks in Japan. It was shot with the CAME-Single gimbal paired with the Sony a7sii... Read More>>
CAME-TV Argo used in Transilvania Drag Race October By TommyFilms
It was filmed with the Canon 700D with the Canon 17-85mm lens and CAME-ARGO Gimbal! All of the motors on the ARGO are equipped with encoders, which makes the ARGO's performance much more smooth and accurate along with... Read More>>
Came TV Optimus Gimbal Review by Ben Marlow
A detailed review on the CAME-TV Optimus gimbal that is filled with a ton of awesome example footage! The CAME-Optimus is the successor to our very popular CAME-Single 3-axis gimbal... Read More>>
CAME-TV Boltzen LED vs. Dedo DLH4 By AwesomeShot Studios
This comparison video that goes over the differences between the CAME-TV Boltzen LED Fresnel Light and the Dedo DLH4... Read More>>
CAME-TV CAME-Single 3-Axis Handheld Camera Gimbal Review By NextWaveDV
NextWaveDV recently brought our CAME-Single Gimbal on a location shoot to Africa, where they used the gimbal in conjunction with the Sony A7s... Read More>>