Tag Archives: cametv
INSTAGRAM: Our CAME-TV Boltzen LED Fresnel Lights are super portable and easy to move around on shoots! BTS pic posted by @williamphillipscook – Thanks for the support! #cametv #boltzen #ledlight #fresnellight #ledfresnel #lighting #cinematography
Our CAME-TV Boltzen LED Fresnel Lights are super portable and easy to move around on shoots! BTS pic posted by @williamphillipscook - Thanks for the support!
#cametv #boltzen #ledlight #fresnellight #ledfresnel #lighting #cinematography
CAME-TV – New Product- CAME-TV Build Your Own Cage Kit For BMPCC 4K and 6K Cameras
INSTAGRAM: Check out these BTS pics that @richlifestudios posted of our CAME-TV Stabilizer being used on a Music Video shoot! . . . . #bts #tbt #cinematography #director #musicvideo #productionlife #cametv #steadicamoperator #stabilizer
Check out these BTS pics that @richlifestudios posted of our CAME-TV Stabilizer being used on a Music Video shoot! .
#bts #tbt #cinematography #director #musicvideo #productionlife #cametv #steadicamoperator #stabilizer
CAME-TV – New Product- CAME-TV ST-RONINS and Cage Sale!
INSTAGRAM: @riggs_ymana using our CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light on a recent wedding shoot! #cametv #boltzen #ledlight #led #fresnel #fresnellight #bicolor #daylight #wedding #lighting #directorofphotography
INSTAGRAM: Cool BTS pic of @swift_productions_ filming with our CAME-TV Stabilizer! . . . . #cametv #red #reddigitalcinema #steadicam #onset #filmming #filmmaking #cameraop #cameraoperator #directorofphotography
Cool BTS pic of @swift_productions_ filming with our CAME-TV Stabilizer!
#cametv #red #reddigitalcinema #steadicam #onset #filmming #filmmaking #cameraop #cameraoperator #directorofphotography
CAME-TV – New Product- A11 Full HD Resolution 10.1″ 4K HDMI 3G-SDI Camera Monitor
IBC 2019: CAME-TV Crystal-V Interview With Cinema5D
We were honored to have the Cinema5D crew pass by our booth at IBC 2019 to have a quick chat with us about our new upcoming product the CAME-TV Crystal-V Transmitter. Check out the interview below!
IOS, Android App monitor
500 meters distance (1640 ft)
1. Support HDMI in and SDI in. SDI loop out, USB 5V output.
2. V-mount battery can be used. It can be mounted to V-mount plate, power for both transmitter and camera. optional NP battery plate.
For more information on our CAME-TV Crystal-V click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
CAME-TV – EU Warehouse Sale 30% Off!
INSTAGRAM: It’s been a blast here at IBC 2019! Make sure to come by our booth and check out some of the new products we have displayed like our Power Grip and Astral Follow Focus! booth – Hall 12 – 12.A65. INFO: https://cametv.info/CtvIbc2019fb . . . #cametv #ibc #ibc2019 #amsterdam #followfocus #powergrip #cametvfollowfocus
It’s been a blast here at IBC 2019! Make sure to come by our booth and check out some of the new products we have displayed like our Power Grip and Astral Follow Focus!
booth - Hall 12 - 12.A65.
#cametv #ibc #ibc2019 #amsterdam #followfocus #powergrip #cametvfollowfocus
INSTAGRAM: Our CAME-TV Stabilizer being used on set on a music video shoot! Thanks @djbrucebruce for the support! • • • • #cametv #stabilizer #steadicam #cameraop #cameraoperator #cametvstabilizer #directorofphotography #blackmagic #ursaminipro #ursamini
Our CAME-TV Stabilizer being used on set on a music video shoot! Thanks @djbrucebruce for the support!
#cametv #stabilizer #steadicam #cameraop #cameraoperator #cametvstabilizer #directorofphotography #blackmagic #ursaminipro #ursamini
CAME-TV – Exhibiting at IBC
CAME-TV – Spotlight Waero
INSTAGRAM: @elbuhofpv getting some detailed shots using our CAME-TV Single Gimbal on a recent wedding shoot! . . . #cametv #cametvgimbal #gimbal #singlegimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #lumix #panasonic #gh4 #gh5 #cinematography #cameraoperator #cameraop #bts
@elbuhofpv getting some detailed shots using our CAME-TV Single Gimbal on a recent wedding shoot!
#cametv #cametvgimbal #gimbal #singlegimbal #camegimbalsnap5#lumix #panasonic #gh4 #gh5 #cinematography #cameraoperator#cameraop #bts