BTS pic of @jeff.estanislao filming a #wedding with the #Cametv #Single #Gimbal and #Sony #a7s! #Camesingle #cametvsingle #sonya7s #singlesnap1 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axisgimbal
Tag Archives: cametv
CAME-TV – New High Broadcast Monitor
INSTAGRAM: @quetalpro’s #Blackmagicdesign #UrsaMini Rig using the #Cametv #Ursa #Mini Shoulder Rig Kit! #BlackmagicUrsaMini #UrsaRig #CametvRig
INSTAGRAM: @wolfangfilms on set reviewing the footage he shot with the #Cametv #Single #Gimbal and #Sony #a7sii! #Cametvsingle #singlegimbal #sonya7sii #a7s #singlesnap1 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axisgimbal #cametvgimbal
INSTAGRAM: @thefilmingunit filming on location using the #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal paired w/ the #Sony #a6500! #Cameoptimus #cametvoptimus #optimusgimbal #sonya6500 #optimusgimbal #optimussnap3 #camegimbalsnap5 #camegimbal #cametvgimbal #3axisgimbal #3axis
INSTAGRAM: @guerrillavideo filming a #commercial #onset using the #Cametv #Steadicam paired w/ the #Blackmagicdesign #UrsaMini 4.6k camera! #Ursa4k #Ursa #Blackmagic #CameSteadicam #CametvSteadicam #procarbonsnap #mini
INSTAGRAM: @streetpixde posted this pic of a recent #photoshoot in which they used our #Cametv #55w #Boltzen #LED #Fresnel #Lights for lighting! #CameBoltzen #BoltzenLights #boltzensnap1 #LedFresnel #FresnelLight #cametvboltzen
INSTAGRAM: @grthk filming a #MusicVideo with the #Cametv #Single #Gimbal paired w/ the #Panasonic #GH4! #Camesingle #cametvsingle #panasonicgh4 #singlegimbal #singlesnap1 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis #3axisgimbal #camesinglegimbal
INSTAGRAM: Awesome BTS pic of @amacreator filming a #fitness video with the #Cametv #Single #Gimbal! #CameSingle #CametvSingle #Singlegimbal #camegimbal #singlesnap1 #camegimbalsnap5 #CametvGimbal #3axisgimbal
CAME-TV – Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale
INSTAGRAM: BTS pic of @allin_productions filming a #wedding using our #Cametv #Single #Gimbal paired with the #Panasonic #Lumix #G7! #CametvSingle #Camesingle #singlegimbal #lumixg7 #singlesnap1 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis #3axisgimbal
CAME-TV – New High CRI Bi-Color SMD lights
CAME-TV Boltzen LED Fresnel Lights Overview Video By DSLR Video Shooter
Youtube reviewer, DSLR Video Shooter, recently uploaded this detailed video that goes over all of our CAME-TV Boltzen LED Fresnel Lights! Watch it below!
Our Boltzen LED Fresnel Lights come in different watt variations - The 30w, 55w, 60w, 100w and the 150w. Our popular Boltzen 55 Watt video light shares the exact same housing as our Boltzen 30w Fresnel with the exception of a built in cooling fan to dissipate the extra heat. The Boltzen 55w Video Light includes an adjustable Fresnel lens to help focus the light and provide a longer throw. When used without the lens, the light becomes a wider flood and the included barn doors help to control the spill.
(Boltzen 55w)
(Boltzen 150w)
For more information on our CAME-TV Boltzen Lights click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.