Tag Archives: green screen
CAME-TV Perseus P-1200R LED Travel Lights Used In “Green Screen Without A Green Screen” Video By Film Riot
Popular Youtube page, Film Riot, recently uploaded a video going over on how to get that "green screen" look without using an actual green screen. Instead, they used a set of our new CAME-TV Perseus P-1200R LED Lights! Check out the video below!
Our Perseus RGBDT 55W Travel Lights features a unique yoke that allows them to fold flat, making the panels easy to stack and travel with. We have a few kits available that include a foam pack that fits into Pelican 1510 and 1535 hard cases , getting you to where you need to go with all of your lighting in one case!
By adding both Daylight and Tungsten LED's to the RGB LED Panels, we are able to provide both 5600K (Daylight) and 3200K (Tungsten) while maintaining a high CRI.
For more information on our CAME-TV Perseus P-1200R LED Lights Panels click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
INSTAGRAM: One of our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights being used to light a Green Screen room! Posted and built by @fanaticfilms! #cametv #andromeda #tubelight #ledlight #cametvlight #greenscreen
One of our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights being used to light a Green Screen room! Posted and built by @fanaticfilms!
#cametv #andromeda #tubelight #ledlight #cametvlight #greenscreen
INSTAGRAM: Awesome green screen lighting setup using our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube RGB lights to add some extra green!
: @bengregory_ring ••• Interesting green screen shoot today!Lighting the screen with a new RGB LED rig. Working with @fanaticfilms & @glynallen. #cametv #ledlight #andromeda #tubelight #rgb #led #greenscreen #lighting
Awesome green screen lighting setup using our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube RGB lights to add some extra green!
: @bengregory_ring
Interesting green screen shoot today!Lighting the screen with a new RGB LED rig. Working with @fanaticfilms & @glynallen.
INSTAGRAM: @incuprod’s lighting up the #talent using two of our #Cametv #1024 #LED #Lightpanels!#CametvLights #LedLightPanel #ledlights #GreenScreen

@incuprod's lighting up the #talent using two of our #Cametv #1024 #LED #Lightpanels!#CametvLights #LedLightPanel #ledlights#GreenScreen・・・
Today we're going green... green screen that is. As usual we're using the #Atomos Shogun as recorder for its excellent waveform monitor. The waveform monitor has improved my key hugely and I suggest everyone use it. Using #kinoflow lights to light the back wall and a combination of #Aputure and #cametv lights for the talent. Mics used are the highly reliable #rodemic and finally using our workhorse #camera the #sonypro #fs700. via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BOG5x9UhffJ/
INSTAGRAM: @innovative_motion lighting up a green screen on set with our #cametv #576 #UltraSlim #LED #LightPanel!

Some behind the scenes with us doing a little collaborating. Using a some #cametv LEDs to light up our green screen #innovativemotion #denver #colorado #bts #videoproduction via Instagram http://ift.tt/1rN5Syt
INSTAGRAM: Heres another pic of our #cametv #LED #LightPanels being used at a #greenscreen studio by@hmedgroup! Shooting it with a #panasonic #gh4

Our previous last minute #greenscreen shoot went pretty well considering the setup we used. So we decided to film the entire #corporatetraining series in my garage.
Quite fun #filming at home actually, haha!#iPhone6s #greenscreenstudio #DIY #IndependentAlliance #corporatevideo #corporatetrainingvideo #panasonicGH4 #panasonic #cametv #LED #LEDPanel #videoproduction #marketing #media #HMediaGroup #Melbourne #Australia
via Instagram http://ift.tt/1SdRHwO