@taylor2d2 getting those smooth shots with the #cametv #gimbal!
For more information on the CAME 7800 Gimbal click below!
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@taylor2d2 getting those smooth shots with the #cametv #gimbal!
For more information on the CAME 7800 Gimbal click below!
@remycadier shooting with the#cametv #7500 #gimbal out of the sunroof of a car!
For more information on the CAME 7500 Gimbal click below!
Adam Lewis, posted this detailed review on our CAME-TV 576 Bi-Color LED Light.
With the color temperature ranging from 3200K to 5600K, the CAME-TV 576 Bi-Color LED Light is flicker free and dim-able from 10% to100%.
Click below for more information on the CAME-TV 576 Bi-Color LED Light.
@scottyray_satostudios getting that "sunset shot" with the #cametv #7500 #gimbal
For more information on the CAME 7500 Gimbal click below!
@csproductions87 Shooting a music video with the #cametv #7500#gimbal
For more information on the CAME 7500 Gimbal click below!
@rawmedia had a wedding gig and brought along the #cametv 7800 #gimbal to get some smooth shots
For more information on the CAME 7800 Gimbal click below!
@worshipteamnewrisetv giving the#cametv #led #lights a test!
For more information on CAME-TV LED Light Panels click below!
@willdylanfilms balancing his camera on the #cametv #h4 #carbonfiber#stabilizer
For more information on the CAME H4 Carbon Fiber Stabilizer click the picture below!
@dmantheproducer filming in a truck bed with the #cametv #8000#gimbal!
For more information on the CAME 8000 Gimbal click the picture below!
Follow up post from @ff_films of him testing his #cametv #mini #gimbal
For more information on the CAME Mini Gimbal click the picture below!
@ximediaproductions getting some nice waterfall shots with the #cametv#7800 #gimbal
For more information on the CAME 7800 Gimbal click the picture below!
@jonogeephotography posted this pick of his awesome #cametv #rig setup!
For more information on the CAME-TV DSLR Rig click the picture below!
Check out @ff_films #cametv #mini#gimbal setup with his #panasonic #gh4
For more information on the CAME Mini Gimbal click the picture below!
@vizarttvpro took a pic of his#cametv #mini #gimbal fitting snug in its case.
For more information on the CAME Mini Gimbal click the picture below!
#bmpcc balanced with the #cametv#mini #gimbal...posted by @briceavril
For more information on the CAME Mini Gimbal click the picture below!