Tag Archives: came-8500 3-axis gimbal

Vitographyy, uploaded this short video of some footage he shot using one of our CAME-TV gimbals at the "86 Fest" car show.
CAME-TV gimbals are completely 3-axis and offer multiple operation modes to suit the shot in which you are trying to achieve. There are different types of CAME-TV gimbals that can hold cameras like the GoPro to heavy duty cameras like the BlackMagic Production Camera.

CAME-7800 3-Axis Gimbal

For more information on the different type of CAME-TV Gimbal click below.

CAME-8000 3-Axis Gimbal

All CAME-TV gimbals have been designed to support numerous camera/lens setups. That is, as long as the overall payload does not exceed that particular gimbal's pre-determined weight capacity. However, it is also possible for a camera setup to be too light. When this happens, users may notice shaking, vibrating, and even noises coming from the motor of their gimbal. But don't panic!! Essentially, the gimbal's motors have been programmed to expect a slightly heavier payload and are just working a little bit harder than they have to.

A quick fix to this problem, would be simply to lower the Motor Power in the SimpleBGC software. But first, before making any changes, we advise archiving all of your current settings (ex: saving your profile or capturing screenshots). In the unlikely event that you may have to revert back to those values, you'll at least have your screenshots for reference. Once that's done, investigate the gimbal and find out which motor (Yaw, Pitch, or Roll) is giving you problems. Once you have determined the culprit, connect to the software and reduce the Motor Power settings accordingly. Step by step details can be found in the video below.

NOTE: For heavier camera setups, simply increase motor power settings instead of decreasing them.

During this motor power adjustment process, it is ok to turn on your gimbal and test functionality after applying changes. Please know that this is a trial & error process and it may take some time to find the perfect settings for your camera setup. And just as a reminder, once you're able to determine the correct settings in one profile to stabilize your gimbal, apply those settings to the remaining 2 profiles in the Basic Tab of the software.

@rawmedia had a wedding gig and brought along the #cametv 7800 #gimbal to get some smooth shots


For more information on the CAME 7800 Gimbal click below!

CAME-TV 7800 3-Axis Gimbal

@ximediaproductions getting some nice waterfall shots with the #cametv#7800 #gimbal


For more information on the CAME 7800 Gimbal click the picture below!


@janssensstijn posted this BTS pic of the #cametv #7800 #gimbal being used on set!


For more information on the CAME-7800 Gimbal click the picture below!

CAME-TV 7800 Gimbal