
@scottyray_satostudios using the#cametv #7500 #gimbal on a music video shoot!


For more information on the CAME 7500 Gimbal click the picture below!


@sirbasssalot modeling his#cametv #mini #gimbal thanks for posting!


For more information on the CAME-Mini Gimbal click the picture below!

CAME-TV Mini 3-Axis Gimbal

#BMCC on the #cametv #stabilizerwith the support vest! Thanks for posting@generaljive


For more information on the CAME Stabilizer Pro click the picture below!

CAME-TV Stabilizer Pro

@janssensstijn posted this BTS pic of the #cametv #7800 #gimbal being used on set!


For more information on the CAME-7800 Gimbal click the picture below!

CAME-TV 7800 Gimbal

Music video shoot using the #cametv #8000 #gimbal. Behind the scenes pic uploaded by @hrteddy


For more information on the CAME-8000 Gimbal click the picture below!

CAME-TV 8000 3-Axis Gimbal

Instagram user, Joelindenmann, posted this pic of his CAME-TV Mini Gimbal setup with the Panasonic GH-4!



Click the picture below for more information on the CAME-TV Mini Gimbal!

CAME-TV Mini 3-Axis Gimbal

Instagram user, csproductions87, putting the CAME-TV 7500 3-axis gimbal to use!



Click the picture below to see more information on the CAME-TV 7500 Gimbal!

CAME-TV 7500 3-Axis Gimbal

Look who just received their CAME-TV Mini 3-axis Gimbal!

 Instagram post by user larsgoldbachfoto
Instagram Post CAME-TV Mini Gimbal


Click the picture below for more information on the CAME-TV Mini Gimbal!

CAME-TV Mini 3-Axis Gimbal

The CAME-TV DOF 1296 Led Light Panel is a solid light panel that you can easily bring with you on location shoots where light will be needed. The DOF 1296 can be powered with a V-Mount battery or hard wired into the wall via the connection on the back of the LED Panel.

CAME-TV DOF 1296 LED Light Panel


Click the picture below for more information on the CAME-TV DOF 1296 LED Light Panel.

CAME-TV DOF 1296 Light Panel

In this short test video by Youtube user, Nick Southcote-Want, he takes the CAME 7500 3-Axis Gimbal out for a test run. The video is split into four different screens and the bottom left screen is the footage from the CAME 7500.

CAME-TV 7500 3-Axis Gimbal


Click the picture below for more information on the CAME 7500 Gimbal

CAME-TV 7500 3-Axis Gimbal



Youtube user, Michael Swoboda, did some extensive tests using the Bi-Color 1024 LED Light Panel and the 5600K 1024 LED Light Panel. Check out his tests below!

CAME-TV 1024 LED Light PanelCAME-TV 1024 LED Light Panel

In this video by Youtube user, Tom Antos, unboxes the Pro Steadicam and goes through the basic setup process.  The Pro Steadicam comes with pretty much everything you would need to get started on getting some creative long take shots.

Youtube user, Neumannfilms, posted this detailed review/unboxing video that goes through the specs and also his personal impression on the CAME 876 Bi-Color LED Light Panel.

The 876 Bi-Color Light Panel gives the shooter the ability to adjust the color temperature from 3200K to 5600K. Out of the box, the 876 Bi-Color Light Panels come with a dual battery charger with two NP-F960 batteries and also an AC power adapter.

CAME-TV 876 Bi-Color LED Video Light Panel
CAME-TV 876 Bi-Color LED Video Light Panel