Music video shoot in the desert with the #Sony #a6300 @cametv #Single #gimbal & @aputurephoto monitor via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BPqYKzsB-rp/
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A6300 / A6500 CAGE VIDEO
Our modular cage is designed to fit the Sony a6300 and a6500 . This cage provides easy access to the battery allowing you to replace it without removing the camera from the cage. CNC Machined from aluminum this cage is light weight and very strong. There are lots of threaded holes on the cage to attach accessories. The included base plate and handle have 15mm rod hole(s) which allows for mounting accessories and expanding the rig.
Vimeo user, Broadcast Media Group uploaded this quick highlight video of the "Delta Supper Club" event that is held at the BB.B. King Museum in Indianola. Broadcast Media Group, filmed the event with our CAME-Optimus paired with the Sony a7sII and Sony a6300!
The CAME-Optimus has a brand new frame design that allows the gimbal to be operated completely inverted or underslung. All motors on the Optimus can rotate a full 360 degrees without limitation for greater range and flexibility during operation. The single handle has a built in joystick, but the Optimus will also include a wireless Joystick Remote.
For more information on the CAME-TV Optimus gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Youtube user, Tell Them Ministry, uploaded this quick CAME-Optimus test video that he filmed with this Sony a6300! Mixed in with the Optimus footage, Tell Them Ministry, did include some drone footage he shot during the gimbal test.
An exciting feature that the Optimus has, is that all the motors can rotate a full 360 degrees without limitation for greater range and flexibility during operation. The CAME-Optimus has a brand new frame design that allows the gimbal to be operated completely inverted or underslung.
For more information on the CAME-TV Optimus gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Youtube user, Tell Them Ministry, uploaded this quick BTS video of him using the CAME-TV Optimus paired with the Sony a6300 to film a parkour video!
The CAME-Optimus is the successor to our very popular CAME-Single 3-axis gimbal. All motors on the Optimus can rotate a full 360 degrees without limitation for greater range and flexibility during operation. The CAME-Optimus has a brand new frame design that allows the gimbal to be operated completely inverted or underslung.
For more information on the CAME-TV Optimus gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Youtube user, GlainKanVision posted this quick test video of him testing out his CAME-Single gimbal paired with the Sony a6300 camera!
The CAME-Single is a 3-axis 32-bit gimbal that is designed to be used with just one hand. The Single comes with encoders built into the motors, which prevents the motors from losing sync, skipping steps and it decreases power consumption - giving the gimbal a longer battery life. The Dual Gimbal Handles provide gimbal operators smooth camera panning and tilt motions.
For more information on the CAME-Single gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.