
CAME-TV Boltzen 150w LED Fresnel Light

@cpt_kurtn using our Boltzen 150w LED Fresnel Light as a key light for some interview shoots! Our 150w LED Fresnel lights are available in both Daylight and Bi-Color versions

#cametv #ledlight #led #fresnel #fresnellight #cameboltzen #boltzensnap1 #lighting #filmmaking #interview

CAME-TV Stabilizer Instagram

BTS pic of @emanneris setting up his CAME-TV Stabilizer on a shoot he recently operated on!

#cametv #stabilizer #cametvstabilizer #steadicam #camerastabilizer #cameraoperator #camop #steadicamoperator #filmmaking

CAME-TV Boltzen 150w LED Fresnel Light

@cpt_kurtn recently received his new CAME-TV Boltzen 150w Fresnel Light! Our Boltzen 150w Lights come in both daylight and bi-color!

#cametv #boltzen #fresnellight #ledlight #daylight #bicolor #filmmaking #lighting #fresnel

CAME-TV Stabilizer

@rileycinematic posted this pic of his current CAME-TV Stabilizer setup that he used on a recent project!

#cametv #stabilizer #filmmaking #steadicam #steadicamoperator #cameraoperator

CAME-TV Stabilizer Instagram

@aldricgonzalez using our CAME-TV Stabilizer on set for a recent project with Ken Crossley from A&E’s Storage Wars!

“Fun shoot earlier tonight with the one and only @kencrossley!!! Photo cred: @nelson5”

#cametv #stabilizer #onset #steadicam #storagewars #filmmaking #steadicamoperator #steadicamops

CAME-TV Stabilizer

@kousaidbsam posted this pic of his new BMPCC6K gimbal setup on our CAME-TV Stabilizer!

#cametv #stabilizer #bmpcc6k #cametvstabilizer #bmpcc #ak4500 #steadicam

CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Light

Recent interview setup that @professmultimedia posted using one of our CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light!

#cametv #led #fresnel #fresnellight #lighting #filmmaking #interview #onset

CAME-TV Stabilizer

Check out these cool BTS pics of @eniolayussuff using our CAME-TV Stabilizer on set!

#cametv #stabilizer #onset #filmmaking #cametvstabilizer #cameraoperator #procarbonsnap #ursamini #ursa #ursaminipro

CAME-TV Stabilizer

Balanced and ready to go! @locfilms’ CAME-TV Stabilizer setup!

“Finally balanced my Steadycam/Gimbal hybrid. Waiting on a few parts so I can do some test shots. 😁

#cametv #stabilizer #gimbal #3axisgimbal #filmmaking #steadicamoperator #onset #cinematography

CAME-TV Boltzen LED Fresnel Light

One of our CAME-TV Boltzen Fresnel lights being used on set of a medical shoot!
BTS 📸: @toddfranklinfilm

“Cool medical shoot today

Director @jackinapack
Production @wearesimplythrilled

Studio @thepigeonloftstudio”

#cametv #boltzen #cameboltzen #cametvboltzen #led #ledlight #lighting #interview #onset #fresnel #fresnellight

CAME-TV Boltzen Q-55W MKII LED Fresnel LIght CAME-TV Boltzen Q-55W MKII LED Fresnel LIght CAME-TV Boltzen Q-55W MKII LED Fresnel LIght
On a recent shoot, the team at @encore_multimedia wanted to throw a little light onto the background for an interview shoot. So, they decided to place one of our CAME-TV Boltzen Q-55w MKII Fresnel Lights on a sandbag to get the job done!
“When we decided to upgrade to LED lights from the old tung
sten hot lights, we wanted something small, yet powerful and battery powered as well as AC. So, we picked the Boltzen 55w 3-light kit and it’s worked well for us in many cases.”

CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube LED Light

@hydraulicstudio recently used one of our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube lights on an interview shoot! “It’s Monday, but that’s not slowing us down one bit. We’ve got a jammed pack week with edits and shoots so let’s do this!” #cametv #tubelight #ledlight #bts #interview #onset #andromeda #cametvlight #led #ledtube #lighting

CAME-TV Andromeda LED Tube Light CAME-TV Andromeda LED Tube Light
@envidiables_ using one of our CAME-TV Andromeda Slim Tube Lights on a recent interview shoot!

CAME-TV Stabilizer CAME-TV Stabilizer
Our CAME-TV Stabilizer and Vest being used on a recent outdoor music video shoot!
Photo by: @bojosfilm