Tag Archives: 4K
CAME-TV – Spotlight CAME-TV Rig For Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K / 6K With Wooden Handles
CAME-TV – Monitors on Sale
INSTAGRAM: @mohau_mann shared this pic of his BMPCC 4K rig using our CAME-TV Cage and Follow Focus! #cametv #bmpcc #bmpcc4k #bmpcc6k #blackmagicdesign #camerarig #cameraoperator #onset
@mohau_mann shared this pic of his BMPCC 6K rig using our CAME-TV Cage and Follow Focus!
#cametv #bmpcc #bmpcc4k #bmpcc6k #blackmagicdesign #camerarig #cameraoperator #onset
CAME-TV – New – CAME-TV Portable Case 4K HDR 17 Inch Monitor
CAME-TV – New Product- CAME-TV Build Your Own Cage Kit For BMPCC 4K and 6K Cameras
CAME-TV – New 7-Inch IPS Monitor & Optimus Sale
INSTAGRAM: @philipbloom posted this pic of him out filming with the #Kinefinity #Terra #4k and using our #Cametv #Vmount #Battery for power! #CametvVmount #Vmountbattery #Kinefinity4k #KinefinityTerra
CAME-TV – New Came-TV 4K Monitor
INSTAGRAM: @grenzhaeuser’s sweet #BlackmagicDesign #UrsaMini setup using our full #Cametv #Ursa #Mini #ShoulderRig #Kit! Thanks for the support! #UrsaShoulderRig #Blackmagic #CametvRig #4k
@grenzhaeuser's sweet #BlackmagicDesign #UrsaMini setup using our full #Cametv #Ursa #Mini #ShoulderRig #Kit! Thanks for the support! #UrsaShoulderRig #Blackmagic #CametvRig #4k
INSTAGRAM: BTS pic of @cyclicalbeauty shooting some #slomo w/ our #Cametv #Prodigy #Gimbal & #BlackmagicDesign #UrsaMini #4k! #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal #ProdigyGimbal #UrsaMini4k #Ursa #Blackmagic #CameProdigy #3axis #3axisGimbal

CAME-TV Prodigy Gimbal Review By Tom Antos
Youtube reviewer, Tom Antos, uploaded this detailed review on our CAME-Prodigy gimbal! In the video, you'll notice that Tom Antos primarily used our Prodigy with the new Blackmagic Ursa Mini 4k.
The CAME-Prodigy gimbal is our largest 3-axis gimbal in our gimbal family. The Prodigy is designed to hold large camera setups and its replacing our old CAME-8000 gimbal. The maximum payload the Prodigy can handle is roughly 11 lbs./4.9 kg, making it perfect for the BMCC, CANON C100/C300, RED EPIC, CANON 5D Series/7D Series, etc. All motors rotate a full 360 degrees without limitation for greater range and flexibility during operation.
For more information on the CAME-TV Prodigy gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
INSTAGRAM: @feedbackloopproductions #cametv #single #gimbal setup with his #sony #A7s and #Atomos #Ninja #4k monitor!

Got to work
INSTAGRAM: @samuel_j_leon posted this pic of his #cametv #single #gimbal setup!

Setup for tonights filming. #documentary #camesingle #atomos #4k @leakedglass
CAME-Single Footage By Darryl Smith
Check out this video that Darryl Smith posted of him using the CAME-Single with a Panasonic and a Panasonic 8mm f/3.5 ED Fisheye lens!
Although, the video is mostly a test on how the Panasonic GH4 looks when the 4K is down converted to 1080, he does use the CAME-Single gimbal the whole time. The CAME-Single is made to hold camera setups that are no more than 2.6lbs(1.2kg). The encoders that are built into the brushless motors allow the gimbal to be extremely stable and use up less battery than needed. The CAME-Single can operate for up to 20 hours when it's fully charged.
For more information on the CAME-Single gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.