@thefilmingunit was out filming a #dance rehearsal using our #Cametv#Optimus #Gimbal paired with the #Sonya6500! #camegimbalsnap5#optimussnap3 #cametvoptimus #optimusgimbal #3axisgimbal#cameoptimus
Tag Archives: came-tv optimus
INSTAGRAM: @thefilmingunit out filming with the #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal setup paired with the #Sony #a6500! #CametvOptimus #Cameoptimus #OptimusGimbal #optimussnap3 #Sonya6500 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis
CAME-TV – New High Broadcast Monitor
How to properly install the battery on your CAME-Optimus
We have been made aware of some reports by customers who have noted that the battery on the CAME-Optimus may be loose, causing the gimbal to shut down while in use. We have looked into this matter, and have simply determined that most customers are not inserting the battery onto the gimbal correctly. Though upon initially inserting the battery into its corresponding mount will present an audible snap/click indicating that it's been properly inserted, an additional step of pushing the battery upward is necessary in order to fully tighten it and lock it in.
See how to properly install it by following the steps in the video below.

INSTAGRAM: BTS pic of @vohnage filming w/ the #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal & #Sony #a6300! #CameOptimus #OptimusGimbal #Camegimbalsnap5 #Sonya6300 #CameGimbal

INSTAGRAM: @flolinemedia out filming w/ the #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal & #Panasonic #GH4! #CameOptimus #OptimusGimbal #Camegimbalsnap5 #PanasonicGH4 #CameGimbal #CametvGimbal

INSTAGRAM: @top_raw_man’s awesome #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal setup w/ his #Canon #EOSM! #CameOptimus #OptimusGimbal #CanonEosm #CameGimbal #3axis #3axisGimbal

#cametv #optimus #cametvoptimus #gimbal #canon #eosm #canoneosm #15mmfisheye #fisheye #bestlight #led #feelworld #hdmonitor #stayfocusedmedia #hirestayfocused #hiresf #videographer
@feelworld_monitor #Regrann via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BKEf3sMh3j0/
INSTAGRAM: BTS pic of @passionportraits filming w/ his #Cametv #Optimus #Gimbal! #CameOptimus #OptimusGimbal #CameGimbal #Camegimbalsnap5 #3axis

How to power up the CAME-Optimus
New owners of the CAME-Optimus who may have previously been familiar with it's top selling one-handed predecessor the CAME-Single may have noticed a small difference in how to power up their new device. With the Single, you would turn it on by holding down on the power button on the handle until it boots up. However, owners of the Optimus will come to learn that this is not the case with their new gimbal. To power up the Optimus, you simply need to do a 2-press sequence on the button that is found on the battery itself. Simply give it quick tap, and follow it up with a 2-3 second press & hold sequence until the gimbal turns on.
You can see both procedures performed below.
INSTAGRAM: @cinemotivemedia testing out his new #cametv #optimus #gimbal setup on location! #CameOptimus #OptimusGimbal #3axis #Camegimbalsnap5 #3axisGimbal

CAME-TV Optimus Gimbal Unboxing Video By Ameridrisfilm
Ameridrisfilm, uploaded this quick unboxing video that covers all the accessories that come with the CAME-Optimus!
The CAME-Optimus is the successor to our very popular CAME-Single 3-axis gimbal. All motors on the Optimus can rotate a full 360 degrees without limitation for greater range and flexibility during operation. The single handle has a built in joystick, but the Optimus will also include a wireless Joystick Remote.
For more information on the CAME-TV Optimus gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
INSTAGRAM: @cinemotivemedia’s new #cametv #optimus #gimbal setup for his #Sony #a7s! #CameOptimus #Camegimbalsnap5 #OptimusGimbal #SonyA7s #CametvOptimus #3axis #3axisGimbal

CAME-TV Optimus Gimbal BTS Video By Red Carpet Vlog
Youtube user, Red Carpet Vlog uploaded this BTS video of him using the CAME-Optimus on a recent wedding shoot! The camera he used with the Optimus was the Sony A7sii paired with the Sony 10-18mm lens.
All motors on the Optimus can rotate a full 360 degrees without limitation for greater range and flexibility during operation. The Optimus model also features encoders and allows for one hand operation, but with all of the controls and battery now relocated outside of the handle, the hand grip for the Optimus can be changed to Dual Handles, depending on the camera operator's requirement. Make sure you check out Red Carpet Vlog's first Optimus test video below!
For more information on the CAME-TV Optimus gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
INSTAGRAM: @mrcheesycam’s #cametv #optimus #gimbal setup w/ his #Panasonic #GH4 & 7-14mm lens! #CameGimbal #camegimbalsnap5 #OptimusGimbal #PanasonicGH4 #3axis #3axisGimbal

INSTAGRAM: @mrcheesycam posted this video of his #cametv #optimus #gimbal setup that he’s going to use for an upcoming shoot! #CameOptimus #OptimusGimbal #CameGimbal #PanasonicGH4 #Panasonic #GH4 #3axis #3axisGimbal
@mrcheesycam posted this video of his #cametv #optimus #gimbal setup that he's going to use for an upcoming shoot! #CameOptimus#OptimusGimbal #CameGimbal #PanasonicGH4 #Panasonic #GH4 #3axis#3axisGimbal via Instagram