INSTAGRAM: Here’s another compact camera setup utilizing our CAME-TV Mini99 V-Mount Battery!
: @seanpohl #cametv #sony #a7siii #sonya7siii #cametvvmount #vmount #filmmaking #camera
INSTAGRAM: @mr_red_bottoms posted his compact Sony A7C setup using our CAME-TV Mini99 V-Mount for power! #cametv #mini99 #vmount #sonya7c #sony #cametvmini99 #a7c
INSTAGRAM: Here’s some BTS pics of @yeco.audiovisual showing his RED camera setup paired with our CAME-TV Stabilizer! #cametv #reddigitalcinema #redcamera #stabilizer #steadicam #steadicamoperator #cameraoperator #filmmaking #onset
Here’s some BTS pics of @yeco.audiovisual showing his RED camera setup paired with our CAME-TV Stabilizer!
INSTAGRAM: @visuallineltd using one of our popular CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Lights for a little backlight on one of his shoots! #cametv #ledlight #lighting #filmmaking #boltzen #cametvboltzen #fresnel #fresnellight #boltzensnap1
@visuallineltd using one of our popular CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Lights for a little backlight on one of his shoots!
INSTAGRAM: Our CAME-TV Astral Wireless Follow Focus system allows you to wirelessly control the focus, iris, or zoom for most DSLR mirrorless or cine-style lenses. The Astral can connect to each other from 1,640’ away using a 2.4 GHz wireless signal. The controller features a built-in marking disk and an OLED display that provides battery level, connection, calibration, travel and memory information!
: @torushiomi_gsphotographics #cametv #followfocus #wirelessfollowfocus #astral #cametvfollowfocus #filmmaking #onset
Our CAME-TV Astral Wireless Follow Focus system allows you to wirelessly control the focus, iris, or zoom for most DSLR mirrorless or cine-style lenses. The Astral can connect to each other from 1,640’ away using a 2.4 GHz wireless signal. The controller features a built-in marking disk and an OLED display that provides battery level, connection, calibration, travel and memory information!

INSTAGRAM: @videonagrania putting our CAME-TV Boltzen 55w LED Fresnel Light to good use on a commercial shoot! #cametv #fresnel #ledlight #onset #commercial #led #cametvboltzen #fresnellight #filmmaking #lighting
INSTAGRAM: Check out @aldricgonzalez using our CAME-TV Stabilizer paired with the Sony FX6 on a recent wedding shoot! #cametv #sony #fx6 #sonyfx6 #stabilizer #steadicam #cameraoperator #steadicamoperator #filmmaking
Check out @aldricgonzalez using our CAME-TV Stabilizer paired with the Sony FX6 on a recent wedding shoot!
INSTAGRAM: @kingscollectivestudio throwing in a little bit of background color to this scene using one of our CAME-TV Andromeda Tube Lights positioned on the right side of the frame! #cametv #led #ledlight #tubelight #filmmaking #lighting #rgb #onset #cametvlight #cametvandromeda
@kingscollectivestudio throwing in a little bit of background color to this scene using one of our CAME-TV Andromeda Tube Lights positioned on the right side of the frame!
INSTAGRAM: BTS of @steadifried setting up a shot using our popular CAME-TV Stabilizer and Vest on a shoot! #cametv #stabilizer #onset #filmmaking #steadicam #steadicamoperator #cameraoperator #camestabilizer #cametvstabilizer #procarbonsnap
INSTAGRAM: BTS pic of @ltovar_filmmaker using our CAME-TV Stabilizer paired with the DJI Ronin Gimbal on set of a recent project! #cametv #stabilizer #onset #filmmaking #shortfilm #steadicam #steadicamoperator #cameraoperator #dji #ronin #djironin #gimbal
BTS pic of @ltovar_filmmaker using our CAME-TV Stabilizer paired with the DJI Ronin Gimbal on set of a recent project!
INSTAGRAM: @fotografmortenwanvik using our CAME-TV Astral Follow Focus on his Leica SL2 camera setup! #cametv #astralfollowfocus #followfocus #leica #leicasl2 #sl2 #cametvfollowfocus #filmmaking
INSTAGRAM: @shoubertdavid using our compact CAME-TV Mini-99 V-Mount Battery to power his Sony A7siii camera rig! #cametv #sony #a7siii #sonya7siii #vmount #battery #filmmaking #onset #documentary #cametvbattery
@shoubertdavid using our compact CAME-TV Mini-99 V-Mount Battery to power his Sony A7siii camera rig!