@happyshiver grabbing some beautiful scenic shots using our CAME-TV Single Gimbal!
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Tag Archives: came-tv single
INSTAGRAM: Check out this #bts pic of @alexandrugeru filming with our #Cametv #Single #Gimbal and #Sonya6500! #cametvsingle #singlegimbal #sony #a6500 #3axis #camegimbalsnap5 #singlesnap1 #cametvgimbal
Check out this #bts pic of @alexandrugeru filming with our #Cametv #Single#Gimbal and #Sonya6500!
#cametvsingle #singlegimbal #sony #a6500 #3axis #camegimbalsnap5#singlesnap1 #cametvgimbal
INSTAGRAM: Sweet pic of @sunnahwaymedia’s #Cametv #Single #Gimbal rig he used on a recent shoot with the #Panasonic #GH5! #Singlegimbal #cametvgimbal #Camegimbal #camesingle #panasonicgh5 #singlesnap1 #camegimbalsnap5 #3axis #3axisgimbal
INSTAGRAM: @dailycuch doing some #Christmas #filming w/ his #Cametv #Single #Gimbal paired w/ the #Sony #A7sii! #CameSingle #SingleGimbal #CametvSingle #SonyA7sii #Camegimbalsnap5 #3axis

See Us At Photoplus 2016 This Week!
How to power up the CAME-Optimus
New owners of the CAME-Optimus who may have previously been familiar with it's top selling one-handed predecessor the CAME-Single may have noticed a small difference in how to power up their new device. With the Single, you would turn it on by holding down on the power button on the handle until it boots up. However, owners of the Optimus will come to learn that this is not the case with their new gimbal. To power up the Optimus, you simply need to do a 2-press sequence on the button that is found on the battery itself. Simply give it quick tap, and follow it up with a 2-3 second press & hold sequence until the gimbal turns on.
You can see both procedures performed below.
User Manuals for CAME-TV Gimbals
Printable instruction manuals for our most popular CAME-TV gimbals can be viewed and downloaded below:
![]() CAME-Prophet Manual |
![]() CAME-Spry Manual |
![]() CAME-Prodigy Manual |
![]() CAME-Optimus Manual |
![]() CAME-Argo Manual |
![]() CAME-Mini 3 Manual |
![]() CAME-Single Manual |
How to assemble the dual handles for the CAME-Single
Due to popular demand, we have developed a dual handle mounting system that you can now use with your CAME-Single. If you have this new accessory, but are unfamiliar how to assemble it, you can watch the video for step-by-step instructions on how properly to put it together.
How to properly replace your CAME-Single battery
If you recently received a brand new CAME-Single battery to replace your old one, but are unsure of how to install it, feel free to watch the video below to help guide you through the process.
After installing your new battery, please know that a full charge can be achieved in 2-4 hours (depending on current battery life). To assure full functionality, we suggest staying close to your gimbal during the charging process so that it does not overcharge. Overnight and/or unsupervised charging is not advised.
If you own a CAME-Single and suspect that the original built-in battery may be giving you problems (power problems, overheating), you can notify our support department and they can assist you with the matter.
NOTE: If your CAME-Single's handle internal battery configuration contains an extra protective circuit board and differs from the one shown above, then please see this video for steps on how to replace. If you are unfamiliar with the soldering process that is required for this alternate installation process, we'd suggest bringing your Single & battery into a professional electronics/repair shop so they can do it for you.
INSTAGRAM: @ericvanvuuren shooting a video on the new 2017 #AlfaRomeo #Giulia with his #cametv #single #gimbal & #Panasonic #GH4!

Shooting the new @alfaromeoofficial Giulia video for @autoweek. Sure looks good, doesn't it?! via Instagram http://ift.tt/1XOQ8Yv
INSTAGRAM: @philipbloom trying out the #cametv #single #gimbal with his #sony #a6300!
INSTAGRAM: @jonogeestudio’s #cametv #single #gimbal setup with his #panasonic #gh4, #lumix 12-35mm and #rode #videomicro mic!

All balanced + ready to go. Featuring the #panasonicgh4 + #rodemic #videomicro that is the perfect weight with no over powering from the motors of the #cametvsingle. Just chillin' with the #sonya7sii #SmallRig accessories + #canon70200. via Instagram http://ift.tt/1RG3UIM
Quick CAME-TV Single Gimbal Test By JClineFilms
Vimeo user, JClineFilms, shot this quick video while they had a layover in New York. He shot the video on his Canon T5 with an 18-55mm lens.
The CAME-Single is a great portable gimbal that you can easily bring around with you. All the pieces fit perfectly in a custom hard case that the gimbal comes in when you order it. The Single gimbal has a max payload of about 2.6 lbs, which is the same max payload as the CAME-Mini 2 gimbal. The encoders on the Single make the gimbal more precise and stable.
For more information on the CAME-Single gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
INSTAGRAM: @bbaakk shared this photo of his current #cametv #single #gimbal setup!
