Setting up the #sonya7r2 and #cametv gimbal for some filming at @existskatepark in #swansea
#photographer #wales #action #skating #skate
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Vimeo user, llija, uploaded this quick test CAME-TV 7800 gimbal test. The whole test was shot with the Nikon D600 plus a 17-35mm F.28 lens.
With a max payload of about 6.5 lbs, the CAME-7800 is perfect for DSLR cameras like the Canon 5D series, Nikon DSLRs and even Panasonic GH-4s with a heavier lens. The CAME-7800 comes pre-calibrated with a 32-bit Alexmos control board and is tool-less on the Roll and Yaw axis, making it easier for you to balance your setup on the gimbal. There are two different version of the CAME-7800 that you can purchase - the 7800 gimbal by itself or with a case and a balancing stand.
For more information on the CAME-7800 3-axis gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
The sounds built into the gimbal serve several key functions - notifying you 1) when your gimbal is powered up, 2) when you've successfully switched profiles, 3) when your battery is running out, or 4) when it senses a general error within the system.
However, when you're right in the middle of a production, there are moments when silence is absolutely necessary - such as a wedding, a film/tv scene with recorded audio, etc. For these situations, it may be necessary to temporarily deactivate (or mute) the sounds coming from your gimbal. Simply connect to the SimpleBGC software, and then go into the Service tab and select which sounds you want to turn off.
You can always re-activate the audio alerts whenever you feel the need to.
Park Life, recently uploaded this commercial for "Horizon Career" where he used the CAME-7800 gimbal to film most of the scenes!
The CAME-7800 is a great gimbal for shooters who mostly film with DSLR cameras like a Canon 5Dmk2 or a Nikon. In this video, Park Life used a Sony A7S, which is lighter than a DSLR, but the CAME-7800 can handle it perfectly. The max payload the CAME-7800 is about 6.5lbs and the gimbal offers multiple operating modes, giving the shooter more choices for his/hers scene.
For more information on the CAME-7800 3-axis gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
As stated in the documentation within the product packaging, adjustments made to the SimpleBGC software settings are strongly discouraged. Making the wrong adjustments can bring confusion to the board, and in turn cause your gimbal to behave erratically. And even worse, this action alone is grounds enough to jeopardize your gimbal's warranty status.
However, despite these warnings, we are aware that there are many outside forces that entice customers to still make these adjustments to the software - whether it be changing follow modes, adjusting joystick speeds, upgrading your firmware, and even loading full profiles from another user (the last 2 we highly discourage).
Long story short, if your gimbal's settings have been drastically altered, to the point where it is negatively affecting its performance (spinning, shaking, beeping - sometimes simultaneously), there is no factory rest button you can press so everything goes back to normal. And as stated above, we do not recommend loading profiles from another user as there are unique settings that do not apply to your specific gimbal.
Even CAME-TV customer support is forbidden from providing profiles whenever requested by customers, for the very reasons above. All is not lost, however. The one process that we can suggest to get your gimbal to a normal functioning state is to manually restore your gimbal's board to its default settings. We have these processes laid out for the 7800 and Mini-2 gimbals. Before attempting either process, make sure that your gimbal matches the firmware shown in its respective document. If your gimbal has a different firmware version, the processes below will not be guaranteed to work.
CAME-7800 Manual Profile Restore Process (Tool-less version)
7800 NOTE: The above contains PID & Motor settings for the most recent tool-less version of the 7800. If you have an earlier version of the 7800 that requires tools for setup, and the gimbal is not fully stabilized after completing the process above, then try switching out the PID/Motor settings with the ones shown here.
CAME Mini-2 Manual Profile Restore Process
Again, please conduct the restore process ONLY if your gimbal's software settings have been altered beyond your knowledge of repair, and if your gimbal is showing extremely erratic behavior. For more minor symptoms such as vibrations, drifting, etc., then you can find quick troubleshooting solutions in our extensive FAQ section.
Check out this test film by Ryoma Yoshimura that he shot entirely with the CAME-7800 gimbal! He used a Canon 5Dmk2 and a 60D with three different lenses - a Sigma 70-200 F.2.8, 25-105mm and a 50mm.
The CAME-7800 gimbal is a great gimbal if your camera setup is a little bit on the heavier side. With a max payload of about 6.5lbs(3kg), it can hold bigger DSLR cameras like the Canon 5D series or the Nikon cameras. The CAME-7800 has tool-less adjustment for the yaw and roll axis, making it easy to balance your camera.
For more information on the CAME-7800 3-axis gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Hybrid Dynamic Media, posted this quick test video a few days ago of him trying out the Samsung NX-1 camera paired with the CAME-7500 gimbal.
The CAME-7500 is the older version of what is now the CAME-7800 3-axis gimbal. The 7500 gimbal required users to build the gimbal and required tools to balance the camera on the carriage. Now, most of the gimbals that we offer are tool-less, pre-built and some even have encoders built into the motor (CAME-Single & CAME-Action). The CAME-7800 is a good gimbal for setups that might be too heavy for the CAME-Mini 2 or the CAME-Single. We have a variety of gimbal models that can hold small action cameras(CAME-Action) or bigger setups like a Blackmagic Cinema Camera(CAME-8000).
For more information on any of the 3-axis gimbals we offer click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Csproductions87, uploaded this wedding he shot using his Panasonic GH4 balanced on a CAME-7500 gimbal with a Rokinon 16mm Cine Lens. The video is a quick highlight video that follows bride and groom as they prepare for the ceremony.
Although, the CAME-7500 gimbal is discontinued, we advise that you check out the updated version of the 7500 - the CAME-7800. The CAME-7800 is based on the original CAME-7500, but it's completely upgraded and pre-assembled. The 7800 has upgraded; handles, quick release plate and is tool-less on the roll and YAW axis.
For more information on the CAME-7800 or any of the 3-axis gimbals we offer click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Moonlight Productions, posted this quick short film test of him using the CAME-7800 gimbal with a Panasonic GH4 paired with the 7-14mm lens. Due to the privacy settings on the video, please click here to watch the video! Or click the image below!
The CAME-7800 gimbal is a 3-axis gimbal that can hold cameras like the Panasonic GH4 or the heavier DSLR cameras like the Canon 5Dmk2 - as long as it doesn't exceed the 6.5lbs payload. It makes balancing a breeze with it's tool-less roll and YAW design, allowing you to make possible adjustments on the fly. The clickable thumb stick gives you the option to cycle through different operating modes that can increase your creative possibilities.
For more information on the CAME-7800 3-axis gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Tempo Media UK, went out with his Panasonic GH4 and CAME-7800 and shot this video that showcases BMX rider, Jay Cowley.
The video shows how the CAME-7800 gimbal can be a good piece of equipment to have for shooting action sports like BMX, skateboarding, rollerblading, etc. The CAME-7800 is a great gimbal for DSLR cameras like the Canon 5Dmkiii or mkii but can also work with smaller cameras like a Panasonic GH4 or Sony A7s.
For more information on the CAME-7800 3-axis gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Ken Lauguico, posted this video that highlights a wedding he shot using the CAME-7500 and CAME-Single 3-axis gimbals. He used two different DSLR cameras, the Canon 6D and the Canon 5Dmkii.
The video has a ton of great tracking shots that follow the bride and the groom as they both get ready for the ceremony. The CAME-Single is a great one handed gimbal that provides extremely steady footage because of the brushless motors with the new encoder technology. The CAME-Single is great for cameras like the Sony A7sii, Panasonic GH4 or the BMPCC.
Although, the CAME-7500 is no longer available, the CAME-7800 is an upgraded version of the 7500 gimbal and is tool-less. For more information on the CAME-Single or the CAME-7800 click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Here's a quick informative video on how to check the voltage on your gimbal batteries!
If you happen to have a multi-tester laying around, it would be a good idea to check the batteries you have for your gimbal. You want to make sure your batteries are fully charged before testing the voltage.
The 18650 batteries for the CAME-TV Mini/Mini 2 and the 16340 batteries for the CAME-ACTION gimbal should be reading at 3.7v or higher. The 3S Lipo Battery for the CAME-7800 and 8000 should be giving you a reading of 11v or higher.
For more information on the products mentioned above click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Your card is formatted, talent's in place, and your gimbal is perfectly balanced. And just as you're about to roll camera.... your gimbal's battery dies. But wait? You charged your battery overnight, right? Even so, batteries, just like most things that involve power, have a shelf life.
The best way to avoid this nightmarish scenario is to test your batteries on a regular basis using a voltmeter/multitester. Among the many things it's capable of, a multitester can read the voltage of your battery and let you know if it has enough juice in it to perform. And just as easily, it can let you know if the battery is ready to be replaced.
If you don't own or readily have access to a voltmeter or multitester, then you can bring your battery(ies) into most electronics/repair shops or automotive garages. Most of these businesses will test your batteries for free.
Check multitester prices here.
Up North Wedding Films, posted this wedding video he shot using the CAME-7800 3-axis gimbal with a Canon 5DmkII + 17-40mm lens! The video shows a lot of great tracking shots of the bride and groom walking through some beautiful outdoor locations.
The CAME-7800 can support setups up to 6.5 pounds, which is perfect for cameras like a Canon 5DmkIII, Canon 7D or even a Panasonic GH4. The CAME-7800 offers multiple modes that you can cycle through by clicking the joystick. The updated version of the 7800 Gimbal has new quick release knobs that make it easier to balance on the roll and yaw axis.
(monitor and camera not included)
For more information on the CAME-7800 3-Axis Gimbal click below!
Youtube user, Juliarta Juliarta, recently uploaded this quick CAME-7800 3-Axis Gimbal test!
The CAME-7800 is a stabilizer that features two side handles for hand-held use and a top handle for low-angle shots. The CAME-7800 offers multiple operation modes, which you can cycle through by clicking on the joystick. You can choose to lock the camera in place along all three axes, have the camera smoothly follow your pan and tilt motions while keeping the horizon level or lock the tilt axis while allowing the camera to pan left and right.
For more information on the CAME-7800 3-Axis Gimbal click below!