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Esperanza Creative, recently shot this corporate promo video that showcases their upcoming event called "Urban Rec". He filmed it with a CAME-Mini 2 gimbal and a Sony A7S with the Sony SAL50F14 50mm lens and also a Sony FE 28-70mm. Due to the privacy settings set by the owner, please click the picture below or click here to watch the video!
The CAME-Mini 2 3-axis gimbal is an extremely portable gimbal that can easily be brought with you to different shoots. The Mini 2 is completely tool-less, which will make it easier for you to balance your camera or to make minor adjustments. The max payload the CAME-Mini 2 can handle is 2.6 lbs, making it perfect for cameras like the BMPCC, Panasonic GH4 and the Sony A7S/A7R series.
For more information on the CAME-Mini 2 Gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Brandon Rice Films, shared this wonderfully shot video called "Adrienne + Sean - A Love Story", which was filmed with the CAME-TV Mini 2 gimbal balanced for a Panasonic GH4 camera plus a Rokinon 12mm lens.
The CAME-Mini 2 is an extremely portable gimbal that has a max payload of about 2.6 lbs. It's perfect for lightweight micro four-thirds/mirror-less camera setups, just like the setup that Brandon Rice Films used for this video. The Mini 2 comes with a padded carrying case and a balance stand, which can also fit in the case when it is broken down. Balancing your camera setup on the Mini 2 is made easy because it's completely tool-less and any micro balancing adjustment to the frame can be done practically on the fly.
For more information on the CAME-Mini 2 Gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Vimeo User, Sean J. Vincent, used the CAME-TV Mini 2 gimbal to shoot this promotional video for the Project 7 Tactical Gear.
The CAME-Mini 2 is completely tool-less and has a sleek/compact body, making it extremely easy to carry around and hold. It's designed for compact setups for cameras like the Panasonic GH-4, BMPCC, Sony A7S and other mirror-less type cameras. The custom molded carrying case that the Mini 2 comes in, provides protection when you need to take the gimbal with you to different locations.The horizontal crossbar on the Mini 2 holds the four rechargeable 18650 batteries that power the gimbal.
For more information on the CAME-Mini 2 Gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Vimeo user, SkyKapture, uploaded this wonderfully shot video of his group trying out a new chairlift that opened up at the Kirchdorf Ski Resort in Tirol, Austria. He shot the entire video with just his Panasonic GH4 with a Lumix G 14-140mm zoom 1:3.5-5.6 and the CAME-Mini 2 gimbal, all while he was riding on a snowboard!
The CAME-Mini 2 is a 3-axis gimbal that is extremely compact and entirely tool-less. All the electronics and wiring are enclosed through the frame, so there are no hanging wires in the way while you use it. It takes four rechargeable 18650 batteries that are inserted into the horizontal cross bar of the Mini 2. The gimbal comes with a custom molded carrying case, making it easier to transport while on location for a shoot.
For more information on the CAME-Mini 2 Gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
As stated in the documentation within the product packaging, adjustments made to the SimpleBGC software settings are strongly discouraged. Making the wrong adjustments can bring confusion to the board, and in turn cause your gimbal to behave erratically. And even worse, this action alone is grounds enough to jeopardize your gimbal's warranty status.
However, despite these warnings, we are aware that there are many outside forces that entice customers to still make these adjustments to the software - whether it be changing follow modes, adjusting joystick speeds, upgrading your firmware, and even loading full profiles from another user (the last 2 we highly discourage).
Long story short, if your gimbal's settings have been drastically altered, to the point where it is negatively affecting its performance (spinning, shaking, beeping - sometimes simultaneously), there is no factory rest button you can press so everything goes back to normal. And as stated above, we do not recommend loading profiles from another user as there are unique settings that do not apply to your specific gimbal.
Even CAME-TV customer support is forbidden from providing profiles whenever requested by customers, for the very reasons above. All is not lost, however. The one process that we can suggest to get your gimbal to a normal functioning state is to manually restore your gimbal's board to its default settings. We have these processes laid out for the 7800 and Mini-2 gimbals. Before attempting either process, make sure that your gimbal matches the firmware shown in its respective document. If your gimbal has a different firmware version, the processes below will not be guaranteed to work.
CAME-7800 Manual Profile Restore Process (Tool-less version)
7800 NOTE: The above contains PID & Motor settings for the most recent tool-less version of the 7800. If you have an earlier version of the 7800 that requires tools for setup, and the gimbal is not fully stabilized after completing the process above, then try switching out the PID/Motor settings with the ones shown here.
CAME Mini-2 Manual Profile Restore Process
Again, please conduct the restore process ONLY if your gimbal's software settings have been altered beyond your knowledge of repair, and if your gimbal is showing extremely erratic behavior. For more minor symptoms such as vibrations, drifting, etc., then you can find quick troubleshooting solutions in our extensive FAQ section.
Sean J Vincent, recently shared with us a teaser from a web series he worked on that used the CAME-Mini 2 gimbal! He shot it with a Panasonic GH4 and a G Vario 14-42mm lens.
Here's a short synopsis taken from the "Paradox" video description:
Shot at the end of the summer in Norfolk, this web series follows the adventures of a time traveller and the girl who rescues him... Why is he here? Where did the time machine come from? When is he from?
All will be revealed soon...
The web series was shot using a Panasonic GH4 and a Sony FS100. If you want a closer look of Sean J. Vincent's CAME-Mini 2 setup, check out this review on the Mini 2 he posted a few months ago while he was shooting "Paradox".
For more information on the CAME-Mini 2 Gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release. Also, be sure to check out the first episode of "Paradox" on December 22, 2015.
Hybrid Dynamic Media, posted this quick test video a few days ago of him trying out the Samsung NX-1 camera paired with the CAME-7500 gimbal.
The CAME-7500 is the older version of what is now the CAME-7800 3-axis gimbal. The 7500 gimbal required users to build the gimbal and required tools to balance the camera on the carriage. Now, most of the gimbals that we offer are tool-less, pre-built and some even have encoders built into the motor (CAME-Single & CAME-Action). The CAME-7800 is a good gimbal for setups that might be too heavy for the CAME-Mini 2 or the CAME-Single. We have a variety of gimbal models that can hold small action cameras(CAME-Action) or bigger setups like a Blackmagic Cinema Camera(CAME-8000).
For more information on any of the 3-axis gimbals we offer click below! Make sure to also sign up for our newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
Brandon Lane, uploaded this test video that is mainly focused on how the Sony A7Sii Slog2 performs. In the video he decided to try it out by following his dogs with the CAME-Mini 2 gimbal.
The video is all in slo-mo using a Samyang 35mm Cine T1.5 and a Samyang 14mm T3.1 lens shot at 120fps. Brandon Lane, does state that he shot the whole video with the CAME-Mini 2 set to mode 1(Follow Mode). The CAME-Mini 2 is a tool-less 3 axis gimbal that is designed for smaller bodied cameras like the Panasonic GH4, BMPCC and/or the Sony A7Sii cameras. All of the wiring and electronics are completely enclosed into the frame, offering a clean professional appearance and to also protect the wiring.
For more information on the CAME-Mini 2 Gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.
James Norden, posted this quick test of him using the CAME-Mini 2 gimbal! The video consist of James taking the Mini 2 gimbal out on the street and following someone.
He was able to balance his Sony A7RII with the Voigtländer 21mm f/1.8 lens. James Norden does state that his setup did exceed the max weight the Mini 2 can handle. The CAME-Mini 2 is a tool-less gimbal that provides the shooter with incredibly smooth footage. It's really easy to balance your camera on the gimbal and it only takes four rechargeable 18650 batteries.
"Overall I'm very impressed with the CAME Mini 2 - with the right lighter lens it will produce excellent results." - James Norden
For more information on the CAME-Mini 2 Gimbal click below! Make sure to also sign up for the newsletter to receive updates and information on any new products we release.